Leonardo da Vinci : the proportions of the drawings of sacred building in Ms. B, Institut de France
2018 |
Di Teodoro, Francesco P. |
Ten principles for the study of proportional systems in the history of architecture
2018 |
Cohen, Matthew A. |
Approaches to architectural proportion and the "poor old Parthenon"
2018 |
Wilson Jones, Mark |
An old problem? : Claude Perrault's viewa on beauty and proportion in architecture and French aesthetic theory
2018 |
Delbeke, Maarten |
The matrix regained : reflections on the use of the grid in architectural theories of Nicolaus Goldmann and Jean-Nicolas-Luis Durand
2018 |
Goudeau, Jeroen |
Decoding the Pantheon columns
2018 |
Graßhoff, Gerd |
1, 2, 3, 6: early Gothic architecture and perfect numbers
2018 |
Hartog, Elizabeth den |
Scamozzi's orders and proportions : an end to illusions or a visionary harbinger?
2018 |
Barbieri, Franco |
Proportional design systems in 17th-century Holland
2018 |
Ottenheym, Koen A. |
Proportion and building material or Theory versus practice in the determination of the module
2018 |
Bosman, Lex |
Philibert de L'Orme's divine proportions and the composition of the "Premiere tome de l'architecture"
2018 |
Galletti, Sara |
Le Corbusier's modulor and the debate on proportion in France
2018 |
Cohen, Jean-Louis |
The "composto ordinato" of Michelangelo's Biblioteca Laurenziana : proportion or anthropomorphy?
2018 |
Eck, Caroline van |
Were early modern architects neoplatonists? : the case of François Blondel
2018 |
Gerbino, Anthony |
Plotting Gothic : a paradox
2018 |
Murray, Stephen |
Proportional systems in the history of architecture : a conversation with James S. Ackerman
2018 |
Divining proportions in the information age
2018 |
Tallon, Andrew |
Early modern Netherlandish artists on proportion in architecture or "de questien der Simmetrien met redene der Geometrie"
2018 |
Jonge, Krista de |
Dynamic unfolding and the conventions of procedure : geometric proportioning strategies in Gothic architectural design
2018 |
Bork, Robert Odell |
Between looking and making : unravelling Dom Hans van der Laan's plastic number
2018 |
Voet, Caroline |