Liberal environmentalism: The public-private production of European emissions standards
2023 |
Ballor, Grace |
Men of Science and Standards : Introducing the Metric System in Nineteenth-Century Brazil
2022 |
Hanley, Anne G. |
Making Food Standard : the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Standards of Identity, 1930s-1960s
2022 |
Frohlich, Xaq |
Plan Calcul: France's national information technology ambition and instrument of national independence
2022 |
Kuo, Laureen |
Why do unsuccessful companies survive? U.S. airlines, aircraft leasing, and GE, 2000-2008
2022 |
Dissanaike, Gishan |
Inching toward modernity: Industrial standards and the fate of the metric system in the United States
2022 |
Mihm, Stephen |
Trademarks as "Global Merchants of Skill": The Dynamics of the Japanese Match Industry, 1860s-1930s
2022 |
Lopes, Teresa da Silva |
Enron and the California Energy Crisis : the Role of Networks in Enabling Organizational Corruption
2021 |
Nix, Adam |
The making of commercial innovations: The use of printed commercial circular letters in France and Europe, 1750-1850
2021 |
Bartolomei, Arnaud |
The Italian State's Active Support for the Aeronautical Industry : the Case of the Caproni Group, 1910-1951
2021 |
Fauri, Francesca |
How history shaped the innovator's dilemma
2021 |
Nicholas, Tom |
Multinational Companies and the Cultural Industries: W.H. Smith in Canada, 1950-1989
2020 |
Buckley, Thomas R. |
Ghost in a Shell: The Scenario Tool and the World Making of Royal Dutch Shell
2020 |
Anderson, Jenny |
Public policy, industrial innovation, and the zero-emission vehicle
2020 |
Eisler, Matthew N. |
Rethinking business models in the Great Depression: the failure of America's vacuum cleaner industry
2019 |
Scott, Peter |
Hidden externalities: The globalization of hazardous waste
2019 |
Müller, Simone M. |
The German textile puzzle: Selective protectionism and the silent globalization of an industry
2019 |
Hesse, Jan-Otmar |
Industrial manifest destiny : American firearms manufacturing and antebellum expansion
2018 |
Regele, Lindsay Schakenbach |
Selling the world : public relations and the global expansion of General Motors, 1922-1940
2018 |
Anbinder, Jacob |
Learning by doing : the first Spanish nuclear plant
2018 |
Torre, Joseba de la |