"Construire mieux, plus vite et moins cher" : Swiss industrialised school building systems
2015 |
Di Nallo, Marco |
Structural aspects of a 16th century Ottoman masonry building : Siyavush Pasha Madrasa
2015 |
Almac, Umut |
Historical models of civil engineering in collections in Augsburg an Munich
2015 |
Bühler, Dirk |
Geometric and constructive rationalization in the multiribbed vault : the "node" as a critical issue
2015 |
Calabria, Claudia |
Organization of construction activity in medieval Portugal : a comparative approach
2015 |
Ribeiro, Maria do Carmo |
Public works and the historical city in 19th-century Spain : the Isabel II bridge of Girona
2015 |
Chamorro Trenado, Miguel Àngel |
American-trained structural engineers and contractors in London, 1895-1910
2015 |
Clarke, Jonathan |
Parisian surveyors (1690-1792) : founding an expert corps
2015 |
Carvais, Robert |
Innovations in English wallpaper materials and manufacture from 1824 to 1938 : evidence from the Cowtan Order Books
2015 |
Andrews, Wendy |
Experimental technological solutions in mixed structure buildings of the '50s in Sicily
2015 |
Basiricò, Tiziana |
Are you comfortable now? : three American thermal comfort models
2015 |
Cruse, Andrew |
Stop and go : pathways of experimentation with artificial stone in the work of Sergio Jaretti and Elio Luzi (1955-59)
2015 |
Barelli, Maria Luisa |
Protectionism, corporatism and endogamy in the building guilds of Catalan coastal cities during the Modern
2015 |
Domènech Casadevall, Gemma |
Concrete barrel vaults reinforced with stone-voussoirs arches in the western provinces of the Roman Empire (Mauretania Tingitana and Baetica)
2015 |
Camporeale, Stefano |
Constructing health : the pursuit of engineering a "health-promoting interior climate" during the 1830s and 1840s
2015 |
Daniel, Magdalena |
Flats arches with joggle joints : their use in twelfth and thirteenth century Cistercian abbeys
2015 |
Conan, Sandrine |
Genius and Nazi? : Willy Gehler (1876-1953) ; a German civil engineer and professor between technical excellence and political entanglements in the 20th century
2015 |
Curbach, Manfred |
The final act in Ottoman timber construction
2015 |
Bachmann, Martin |
A brief history of active systems in solar architecture
2015 |
Barbolini, Fausto |
Construction history : a new point of view in Italian historiography in the first half of the 20th century
2015 |
Barbera, Paola |