From sucking worms to Windkessel: The physics of an early eighteenth century firefighting device
2024 |
Lemons, Don S. |
Heisenberg's 1939 reactor theory, Serber's 1943 Los Alamos Primer, and Heisenberg's 1945 Farm Hall critical mass calculation
2024 |
McCauley, Joseph L. |
Sarah Frances Whiting, pioneer of laboratory instruction in astronomy
2023 |
Behrmann, Joanna |
Maxwell's color box: Retracing the path of color matching experiments
2022 |
Roberti, Valentina |
Astronomy with Chaucer: Using an astrolabe to determine planetary orbits
2022 |
Robinson, Michael |
The true story of Newtonian gravity
2021 |
Hecht, Eugene |
Galilei proposed the principle of relativity, but not the "Galilean transformation"
2020 |
Browne, K. M. |
Schrödinger's original struggles with a complex wave function
2020 |
Karam, Ricardo |
Uncle Jesse and the seven "early career" ladies of the night
2019 |
Cohen, Judith |
Rousing the dragon: Polonium production for neutron generators in the Manhattan Project
2019 |
Reed, Bruce Cameron |
Kepler and the origins of the theory of gravity
2019 |
Hecht, Eugene |
The contrasting roles of Planck's constant in classical and quantum theories
2018 |
Boyer, Timothy H. |
Evolution of quasi-history of the Planck blackbody radiation equation in a physics textbook
2018 |
Persson, J. R. |
Fresnel's original interpretation of complex numbers in 19th century optics
2018 |
Karam, Ricardo |
Twelve years before the quantum no-cloning theorem
2018 |
Ortigoso, Juan |
Newton's theory of the atmospheric refraction of light
2017 |
Nauenberg, Michael |
Determination of the Sun's and the Moon's sizes and distances : revisiting Aristarchus' method
2017 |
Momeni, F. |
The key role of Oersted's and Ampère's 1820 electromagnetic experiments in the construction of the concept of electric current
2017 |
Blondel, Christine |
Kepler and the origins of pre-Newtonian mass
2017 |
Hecht, Eugene |
Resource letter HCMP-1: History of condensed matter physics
2017 |
Martin, Joseph D. |