Echoes of history from Putaringamotu, a New Zealand swamp forest
2015 |
Ginn, Franklin |
Agrivated assault : from guerrilla gardening to the age of ecology
2015 |
Brown, Steven |
The industrial gardener : World War II victory gardeners and the factory paradigm
2015 |
Day, Anastasia |
Ian McHarg : Landscape, nature, progress, myth
2015 |
John-Alder, Kathleen |
The accidental landscape
2015 |
Darke, Rick |
"Nature-altering tools" : Margaret Atwood and the politics of dirt
2015 |
Boyd, Shelley |
John Muir's sojourn in Bonaventure Cemetery
2015 |
Willis, Susan |
The good gardener and ideal gardens of state
2015 |
Giesecke, Annette |
Gardening as subversive art
2015 |
Weintraub, Linda |
Gardens and the working body in the British Utopian project
2015 |
Deming, M. Elen |
Marlene Creates' boreal poetry garden
2015 |
Finley, Robert |
Cultivating edenic harmony : the early modern British kitchen garden 1600 - 1830
2015 |
Rubel, William |
The sorceress' garden : Circe and Mount Stewart, northern Ireland
2015 |
Bryan, Stephanie N. |
From the landscape of war to the open order of the Kaufmann House : Richer Neutra and the experience of the great war
2015 |
Welter, Volker M. |
The good architect?
2015 |
Dunham, Donald |
Gardening the earth with joy
2015 |
Marris, Emma |
Gardeners of the cosmos : the way of the garden in east Asian tradition
2015 |
Cooper, David E. |
Hidden gardens : Australian Aboriginal people and country
2015 |
Forbes, Stephen |
The gardens of those called "homeless"
2015 |
Morton, Margaret |