Architektur als Objekt der Verehrung : Entstehung und Wirkung der Großreliquien in Loreto, Jerusalem und Assisi
2013 |
Sahler, Hildegard |
The wandering "Merzbau"
2013 |
Luke, Megan R. |
In retrospect : László Moholy-Nagy and the work of art
2013 |
Tsai, Joyce |
The visibility of the dead between virtuality and materiality : visual culture and the culture of visibility in the works of Christoph Schlingensief, Teresa Margolles and Gregor Schneider
2013 |
Marek, Kristin |
The Virgin Mary as a feminist icon in the work of Diane Victor
2013 |
Von Veh, Karen |
Urbane Objekte : Freistellung versus Einbindung in der Architektur der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt
2013 |
Stabenow, Jörg |
Die "Paper tube structures" von Shigeru Ban : "Architektur als Objekt" im wörtlichen Sinne
2013 |
Bonnefoit, Régine |
Geschichtslos, nicht ohne Geschichten : die Zukunft der Internationalen Kongresse für Kunstgeschichte
2013 |
Dilly, Heinrich |
Meaningful form : the changing boundaries between anthropology and art history
2013 |
Morphy, Howard |
2013 |
Savoy, Bénédicte |
That obscure object of gender : Kerry Tribe's "Critical mass"
2013 |
Carson, Juli |
The fugitive kind : Sigmar Polke's snakeskins
2013 |
Lange-Berndt, Petra |
L' objectivation sociale de l'artiste dans l'art brésilien : de Hélio Oiticica (1967) à Vik Muniz (2010)
2013 |
Huchet, Stéphane |
Echo-Logy : Allan Kaprow and the energy crisis
2013 |
Ursprung, Philip |
Displaced buildings : the Tower of Babel, Pietro della Valle and the biography of archeological objects
2013 |
Burioni, Matteo |
Architecture as objet trouvé : historical city and surrealist sensibility
2013 |
Jackson, Rafael |
The silence of performance and the movement of sculpture
2013 |
Clausen, Barbara |
Questioning the object : the "non-object" and others
2013 |
Filho, Paulo Venancio |
The absence of the object and the void : introduction
2013 |
Dogramaci, Burcu |
Muse addormentate, oggetti primi, strutture primarie : da Brancusi a Morris attraverso Kubler
2013 |
Nigro, Alessandro |