Une révolution avant Copernic. L'astronomie pré-copernicienne issue des Theoricæ novæ de Georg Peurbach
2024 |
Malpangotto, Michela |
Relectures et réécritures des textes de B. Riemann dans leur édition par R. Dedekind et H. Weber
2023 |
Haffner, Emmylou |
The ultimate quest: A history of accuracy in time measurement
2022 |
Jones, Alexander |
The planetary longitude theory of Qizheng Tuibu (1477)
2022 |
Dalong, Lu |
The great martian catastrophe and how Tycho (re-)fixed it
2022 |
Carman, Christián C. |
L' aurore boréale enjeu du mécanisme cartésien et la dispute entre Paris et Montpellier, le choix français
2022 |
Chassefière, Éric |
Nicolaus Mulerius (1564-1630): Dissimulating copernicanism in the revolting Dutch Republic
2020 |
Kubbinga, Henk |
Why Samuel Richardson's Clarissa became a role model : on Johann Georg Zimmermann's biography of Albrecht von Haller
2019 |
Godel, Rainer |
Experimenters versus magicians: Poetic strategies of an intertextual rivalry in 19th century German fiction
2019 |
Berg, Gunhild |
Aesthetic principles in the history of physics
2016 |
Gapochenko, Svetlana |
Persecution and patronage : Oscar Buneman's years in Britain
2016 |
Meyer-Spasche, Rita |
The inscriptions of the Antikythera Mechanism
2016 |
Allan, M. |
Roger Joseph Boscovich : = Rudjer Josip Bošković = Rogerius Joseph Boscovich
2015 |
Petrović, Aleksandar |
Entre ciel et terre : les fonctions de l'astronomie dans la Russie du 18e siècle
2015 |
Sigrist, René |
Making discoveries for a better life vs. bringing fruits to the national treasury : Davy, Babbage, Brewster and the (ongoing) struggle for the soul of science
2014 |
Koutalis, Vangelis |
Ferdinand Verbiest's 1668 observation of an unidentified celestial phenomenon in Peking, its lost Chinese description and some parallel observations, especially in Korea
2014 |
Golvers, Noël |
Between cosmopolitanism and nationalism : the role of expatriates in the dissemination of Leibniz's differential calculus
2014 |
Wahl, Charlotte |
Johann Karl Buckhardt, un Allemand de Gotha à Paris
2014 |
Débarbat, Suzanne |
Cosmopolitan Oscar Buneman (1913 - 1993) : his serpentine path from Milan to Stanford
2014 |
Meyer-Spasche, Rita |
The Ptolemy-Copernicus transition : intertheoretic context
2013 |
Nugaev, Renat M. |