Goethe als Rezipient römischer Literatur
2010 |
Riedel, Volker |
In the footsteps of the 'Macedonian conqueror' : Alexander The Great and British India
2009 |
Hagerman, Christopher A. |
"A future for Astyanax" : alternative and imagined futures for Hector's son in classical and European drama
2008 |
Phillippo, Susanna |
"A incivilire l'Europa" : historical memory and cultural politics in Fascist Italy
2007 |
Perry, Jonathan S. |
[Rezension von:] Edson, Evelyn; Savage-Smith, Emilie: Medieval views of the cosmos : . - Oxford : Bodleian Library, 2004
2007 |
Eastwood, Bruce |
[Rezension von:] Coffin, David Robbins: Pirro Ligorio : the Renaissance artist, architect and antiquarian ; with a checklist of drawings. - University Park, Penn. : The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004
2006 |
Stenhouse, William |
Zwischen Klassizismus und Geschichtlichkeit : Goethes Buch Winckelmann und sein Jahrhundert
2006 |
Riedel, Volker |
[Rezension von:] Ball, Larry F.: The Domus Aurea and the Roman architectural revolution. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003
2006 |
Gros, Pierre |
L' Allegoria della Prudenza di Tiziano e il Signum Tricipitis del Cerbero di Serapide
2006 |
Pierguidi, Stefano |
From Praxiteles to de Chirico : art and reception
2005 |
Barrow, Rosemary J. |
[Rezension von:] Dee, James H.: Epitheta rerum et locorum apud Homerum : a repertory of descriptive expressions for things and places in the Iliad and Odyssey. - Hildesheim : Olms-Weidmann, 2002 // Dee, James H.: Epitheta deorum apud Homerum : the epithetic phrases for the Homeric gods. - Hildesheim : Olms-Weidmann, 2001
2005 |
Edwards, Mark W. |
[Rezension von:] Belozerskaya, Marina: Rethinking the Renaissance : Burgundian arts across Europe. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002
2005 |
Alexander-Skipnes, Ingrid |
[Rezension von:] Levi, Anthony: Renaissance and reformation : the intellectual genius. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 2002
2004 |
Rummel, Erika |
"Anticamente moderna e modernamente antica" : imitation and the ideal in 16th-century Italian painting
2004 |
Schlitt, Melinda Wilcox |
Gestures : the imagined journey from the Roman stage to the Anglo-Saxon manuscript
2004 |
Lateiner, Donald |
Rezeptionsgeschichte comes of age : der Neue Pauly and the classical tradition, II
2004 |
Kallendorf, Craig |
[Rezension von:] Haskell, Francis: The ephemeral museum : old master paintings and the rise of the art exhibition. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 2000
2004 |
Gaston, Robert W. |
[Rezension von:] Black, Jeremy: Italy and the Grand Tour. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 2003
2004 |
Redford, Bruce |
Phidias und Polyklet im Agon : die neueren archäologischen und kunsthistorischen Forschungen zur Rezeption griechischer Bildhauer in der Renaissance
2004 |
Koch, Nadia J. |
The metamorphoses of Caroline Walker Bynum
2004 |
Marenbon, John |