[Rezension von:] Ḳog'man-Apel, Ḳaṭrin: Illuminated Haggadot from medieval Spain : biblical imagery and the Passover holiday. - University Park, Pa. : The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006
2007 |
Colker, Marvin L. |
[Rezension von:] The Cloisters : medieval art and architecture. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2005
2007 |
Meyer, Ann R. |
[Rezension von:] Images of cult and devotion : function and reception of Christian images in medieval and post-medieval Europe. - Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2004
2007 |
Lipton, Sara |
[Rezension von:] Withers, Benjamin C.; Wilcox, Jonathan: Naked before god : uncovering the body in Anglo-Saxon England. - Morgantown : West Virginia University Press, 2003
2005 |
Boenig, Robert |
[Rezension von:] Enenkel, Karl A. E.; Visser, A. S. Q.: Mundus emblematicus : studies in Neo-Latin emblem books. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2003
2005 |
Ludwig, Walther |
[Rezension von:] Cannon, Joanna; Vauchez, André: Margherita of Cortona and the Lorenzetti : Sienese art and the cult of a holy woman in medieval Tuscany. - University Park : Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999
2005 |
Bornstein, Daniel Ethan |
[Rezension von:] Boffey, Julia; Edwards, Anthony S. G.: Medieval manuscripts in the Norlin Library and the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Colorado at Boulder : a summary catalogue. - Fairview, NC : Pegasus press, 2002
2005 |
Colker, Marvin L. |
The young Piero della Francesca
2004 |
Cooper, Donal |
[Rezension von:] Serlio, Sebastiano; Hart, Vaughan; Hicks, Peter: Sebastiano Serlio on architecture : vol.2, books 6 and 7: Tutte l'opere d'architettura et prospetiva ; with: Castrametation of the Romans and: The extraordinary book of doors. - New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2001
2003 |
Alexander, John |
[Rezension von:] Lowden, John: The making of the Bibles Moralisées. - University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000
2003 |
Colker, Marvin L. |
[Rezension von:] Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn; Despres, Denise L.: Iconography and the professional reader : the politics of book production in the Douce Piers Plowman. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1999
2002 |
Fowler, David C. |
Spiritual culture, material culture : church inventories in fifteenth-century Cortona
2002 |
Bornstein, Daniel Ethan |
[Rezension von:] Brumble, H. David: Classical myths and legends in the Middle Ages and Renaissance : a dictionary of allegorical meanings. - Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1998
2002 |
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate |
[Rezension von:] Gilli, Patrick: Au miroir de l'humanisme : les reprèsentations de la France dans la culture savante italienne à la fin du moyen âge. - Roma : Ecole française de Rome, 1997
1999 |
Margolis, Nadia |
[Rezension von:] Brucker, Gene A.: Florence : the Golden Age, 1138 - 1737. - Berkeley : Univ. of California Press: 1998
1999 |
Kirshner, Julius |
[Rezension von:] Hamburger, Jeffrey F.: Nuns as artists : the visual culture of a medieval convent. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 1997
1999 |
Holladay, Joan A. |
[Rezension von:] Brucker, Gene A.: Florence : the Golden Age, 1138 - 1737. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 1998
1999 |
Kirshner, Julius |
Direct observation and Biondo Flavio's additions to Italia illustrata : the case of Ocriculum
1998 |
Castner, Catherine J. |
Painting, paradox, and the dialectics of narcissism in Alberti's De pictura and in the Renaissance theory of art
1998 |
Carabell, Paula |
[Rezension von:] Brown, Patricia Fortini: Venice and antiquity : the Venetian sense of the past. - New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1996
1998 |
Altschul, Michael |