[Rezension von:] Eaton, Marcia Muelder: Aesthetics and the good life. - London, 1989
1990 |
Duncan, Elmer H. |
Dimensional hierarchies : an artist's perspective
1990 |
Gundlach, Gregory E. |
Symmetry and dissymmetry in mathematics education : one view from England
1990 |
Harris, Mary |
Optical music in altered space : the design and function of the variable form abstract image reflector
1990 |
King, Leonard Krakovitch |
Symmetry of structure : an interdisciplinary symposium, 13 - 19 August 1989
1990 |
Loeb, Arthur L. |
Regency graphics and the esthetics laboratory : picture generation by point-distinction and pseudodistance-minimizing
1990 |
Nees, Georg |
[Rezension von:] Kubovy, Michael: The psychology of perspective and Renaissance art. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1986
1990 |
Pariser, David |
Why am I symmetrical - or almost?
1990 |
Székely, Pierre |
C-itcoms : visual metaphors written in the "C" programming language
1990 |
Palyka, Duane M. |
On the aesthetics of Sierpinski gaskets formed from large Pascal's triangles
1990 |
Pickover, Clifford A. |
Steps toward the evolution of a new medium : computer-aided design
1990 |
Brown, Paul |
Spectral art : photographing the light spectra of gases in electric discharge tubes
1990 |
Brown, Ronald Allen |
Concrete-neon : a paradoxical alliance in modern sculpture
1990 |
Buscarlet, Alain |
Quasicrystals for architecture : the visual properties of three-dimensional Penrose tessellation
1990 |
Robbin, Tony |
Image generation survey: interaction
1990 |
Sheridan, Sonia Landy |
[Rezension von:] Poling, Clark V.: Kandinsky's teaching at the Bauhaus : color theory and analytical drawing. - New York, 1986
1990 |
Lee, Alan |
Alien Lander with Message
1990 |
Herrick, Kennan C. |
Letters from an electrostatic experimenter
1990 |
Godown, Linton |
Art and technology in Hungarian education, conflicts and compromises
1990 |
Kárpáti, Andrea |
Randomness, rules and compositional structure in design
1990 |
Eckersley, Michael |