Criteria of the 'Vraisemblable' in Baroque literature and painting
1981 |
Kronegger, Marlies E. |
The energies of the exotic in Byron and Delacroix
1981 |
Garber, Frederick |
Perspective in Renaissance literature and art : from the observer to the observer observed
1981 |
Limbrick, Elaine |
Das Verhältnis von Kunst und Literatur im Schaffen Ernst Barlachs
1981 |
Mazur, Ewa Maria |
La littérature et les autres systèms
1981 |
Peleš, Gajo |
L' Art Nouveau dans la peinture et la littérature
1981 |
Grygar, Mojmír |
Illuminated literary structure : the miniatures of the European 'Seven Sages Cycle' as organizers of narrative
1981 |
Runte, Hans R. |
Brazilian concrete : painting, poetry, time, and space
1981 |
Clüver, Claus |
Avant-garde literature and painting
1981 |
Flaker, Aleksandar |
La galerie des poetes : Marino et Soudéry
1981 |
Giraud, Yves |
From serenity to anger : some illustrators of Dante
1981 |
Barricelli, Jean-Pierre |
"Wounded by Love" : an inquiry into dramatizations of sacred love as exemplified in the Baroque Magdalens of Titian and Southwell
1981 |
Malvern, Marjorie M. |
"The Starry Night" : the poetry of Anne Sexton and its relationship to painting
1981 |
Marras, Emma |
Discours pictural et discours littéraire selon André Gide : problèmes de transition
1981 |
Geerts, Walter |
Renaissance English title-pages and frontispieces : visual introductions to verbal texts
1981 |
Farmer, Norman K. |
Italian canvases in Lope de Vega's 'Comedias' : the case of "Venus and Adonis"
1981 |
Armas, Frederick A. de |
Die Aeternisierung der Fluktuation : über d. Prozeß d. Wahrnehmung bei Beckett und Giacometti
1981 |
Kesting, Marianne |
Le motif de la mort dans l'art et la littérature néoclassiques
1981 |
Pál, József |
Merz und 391 : Beispiele sprach- u. bildkünstler. Integration
1981 |
Meissner, Wolfgang |
Stendhal et L'Histoire de la peinture en Italie
1981 |
Caramaschi, Enzo |