Zur Topographie des spätbyzantinischen Melnik : mit 12 Tafelabbildungen und einer Textabbildung
2008 |
Popović, Mihailo St. |
[Rezension von:] Westphalen, Stephan: Die Odalar Camii in Istanbul : Architektur und Malerei einer mittelbyzantinischen Kirche. - Tübingen : Wasmuth, 1998
2007 |
Zimmermann, Norbert |
[Rezension von:] Images of the Mother of God : perceptions of the Theotokos in Byzantium. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2005
2007 |
Peltomaa, Leena Mari |
[Rezension von:] Winfield, David; Winfield, June: The church of the Panaghia tou Arakos at Lagoudhera, Cyprus : the paintings and their painterly significance. - Washington <DC> : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, 2003
2006 |
Prolović, Jadranka |
[Rezension von:] Tsamakda, Vasiliki: The illustrated chronicle of Ioannes Skylitzes in Madrid. - Leiden : Alexandros Press, 2002
2006 |
Parpulov, Georgi |
[Rezension von:] Eastmond, Antony; James, Liz: Icon and word : the power of images in Byzantium ; studies presented to Robin Cormack. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2003
2006 |
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki |
Narrating images in Byzantine literature : the ekphrasis of Konstantinos Manasses
2005 |
Nilsson, Ingela |
[Rezension von:] Zimmermann, Barbara: Die Wiener Genesis im Rahmen der antiken Buchmalerei : Ikonographie, Darstellung, Illustrationsverfahren und Aussageintention. - Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2003
2005 |
Lowden, John |
[Rezension von:] Walter, Christopher: The warrior saints in Byzantine art and tradition. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2003
2005 |
Maguire, Henry |
New evidence for the Byzantine pavement of St John Studius in Istanbul from Preston Parish church, Rutland, England
2005 |
Dark, K. R. |
[Rezension von:] Nicola <de Martoni>; Piccirillo, Michele: Il pellegrinaggio ai Luoghi Santi da Carinola a Gerusalemme 1394 - 1395. - Jerusalem, 2003
2005 |
Külzer, Andreas |
The Panagia Kosmosoteira at Pherai (Vira) : the natural lighting of the katholikon
2005 |
Iliadis, Ioannis |
[Rezension von:] Chatzēdakēs, Manolēs; Bitha, Ioānna: Corpus of the Byzantine wall-paintings of Greece : the Island of Kythera. - Athen : Academy of Athens, 2003
2005 |
Spatharakēs, Iōannēs |
[Rezension von:] Vokotopulos, Panagiōtēs L.: Byzantine illuminated manuscripts of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. - Athen : Greek Orthodox Patriarchiate of Jerusalem, 2002
2005 |
Spatharakēs, Iōannēs |
[Rezension von:] Spieser, Jean-Michel: Urban and religious spaces in late antiquity and early Byzantium. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2001
2004 |
Pülz, Andreas |
[Rezension von:] McGeer, Eric; Nesbitt, John W.: Catalogue of Byzantine seals at Dumbarton Oaks and in the Fogg Museum of Art : vol. 4 ; the East. - Washington <D.C.> : Dumbarton Oaks, 2001
2004 |
Wassiliou-Seibt, Alexandra-Kyriaki |
[Rezension von:] Littlewood, Antony Robert; Maguire, Henry: Byzantine garden culture. - Washington <D.C.> : Dumbarton Oaks, 2002
2004 |
Agapētos, Panagiōtēs |
[Rezension von:] Gerstel, Sharon E. J.; Lauffenburger, Julie A.: A lost art rediscovered : the architectural ceramics of Byzantium. - University Park : The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 2001
2004 |
Metaxas, Susanne |
[Rezension von:] Stern, Eva Marianne: Römisches, byzantinisches und frühmittelalterliches Glas, 10 v. Chr. - 700 n. Chr. : Sammlung Ernesto Wolf. - Ostfildern-Ruit : Hatje Cantz-Verl., 2001
2004 |
Schätzschock, Martina |
[Rezension von:] Arthur, Paul: Naples, from Roman town to city-state : an archaeological perspective. - London, 2002
2003 |
Grünbart, Michael |