Niccolò Machiavelli, John of Salisbury, and the originality of Arte della guerra
2015 |
Hosler, John D. |
Science at the papal palace : Clement VI and the calendar reform project of 1344/45
2015 |
Nothaft, C. Philipp E. |
Arabic singing girls, the Pope, and the astrolabe : Arabic science in tenth-century Latin Europe
2014 |
Zuccato, Marco |
The Ptolemaic wall map : a lost tradition of Renaissance cartography
2014 |
Van Duzer, Chet A. |
A first overview of late medieval pottery from the Iberian peninsula in Greece
2013 |
Giankakē, Anastasia G. |
Pilgrimage, cartography, and devotion : William Wey's map of the Holy Land
2012 |
Arad, Peninah |
The kingdom of Sicily and the early university movement
2009 |
Oldfield, Paul |
Bavarian wine and woolless sheep : the "Urbar" of Count Sigiboto IV of Falkenstein (1126 - ca. 1198) ; [Codex Falkensteinensis]
2004 |
Freed, John B. |
Peter Martyr's account of the first contacts with Mexico
1999 |
Eatough, Geoffrey |
"Marginalia miscellanea medica" in Croatian glagolitic monuments : a model for interdisciplinary investigations
1999 |
Dürrigl, Marija-Ana |
Numerical proportion as aesthetic strategy in the Pearl manuscript
1999 |
Condren, Edward I. |
On the usefulness of music : motion, music, and the thirteenth-century reception of Aristotle's Physics
1998 |
Van Deusen, Nancy |
The use of Alfred of Shareshill's commentary on the "De plantis" in university teaching in the thirteenth century
1997 |
French, Roger Kenneth |
The instruments which are the proper delights of the quadrivium : rhythmomachia and chess in the teaching of arithmetic in twelfth-century England
1997 |
Burnett, Charles |
Averroes on the prime mover proved in the Physics
1995 |
Twetten, David B. |
"Cum consensu mundualdi" : legal quardianship of women in Quattrocento Florence
1982 |
Kuehn, Thomas |
Portraits of Julius Caesar in Latin manuscripts of the Commentaries
1981 |
Brown, Virginia |
The Exalted Servant : the ruler theology of the prayerbook of Charles the Bald
1980 |
Deshman, Robert |
Identity in an anonymous age : Bruges manuscript illuminators and their signs
1980 |
Farquhar, James Douglas |
Theophilus Presbyter and Rupert of Deutz : the manual arts and Benedictine Theology
1980 |
Van Engen, John |