Uso del computer nel reperimento dell'informazione bibliografica in linea sulla storia dell'arte e settori complementari
1984 |
Giorgi, Marta |
On a method of information processing in art history in Poland
1984 |
Zawasia-Staniszewski, Katarzyna |
Scipio : the art sales catalog data base
1984 |
Roloff, Daphne C. |
Identification of objects
1984 |
Vance, David |
A computerized index to Roman guidebooks and their contents
1984 |
Howe, Eunice D. |
Istituzione di una banca dati sul collezionismo pubblico e privato in età napoleonica
1984 |
Mattioli Rossi, Laura |
Progetto di memorizzazione elettronica dei documenti relativi alle armerie medicee e lorenesi
1984 |
Boccia, Lionello Giorgio |
The census of antique works of art and architecture known to the Renaissance
1984 |
Nesselrath, Arnold |
Le classement de la documentation écrite et photographique au service de restauration des peintures des musées nationaux
1984 |
Pacoud-Rème, Elisabeth |
From the "anecdotal" to the "factual" : the lexicon of Swiss artists ; its history and its future
1984 |
Jost, Karl |
Centro di elaborazione automatica di dati storico-artistici, 1978 - 1984
1984 |
Barocchi, Paola |
Making art historical sources visible to computers : pictures as primary sources for computer-based art history data
1984 |
Kirsch, Russell A. |
Application of Reseda, an "intelligent" information retrieval system, to the construction and use of a knowledge base containing medieval biographical data
1984 |
Zarri, Gian Piero |
Art exhibition and auction catalog program at the University of California, Santa Barbara
1984 |
Treese, William R. |
Digital methods and techniques for analysis and cataloguing of art works
1984 |
Cappellini, V. |
Geographie artistique et méthodes quantitatives : la diffusion du style neo-medieval en Suisse romande au XIXe siècle
1984 |
Huguenin, Claire |
Grouping of objects according to similarity of features, applied to 18th century stoves of Zurich
1984 |
Meles, Brigitte |
Computer assisted research on coptic textile design
1984 |
Atkins, George K. |
CATART : banque de données relative aux catalogues d'art
1984 |
Thuillier, Jacques |
Italian narrative fresco cycles
1984 |
Lavin, Marilyn Aronberg |