Christ's body
1973 |
Hagstrum, Jean H. |
William Blake in the wilderness : a closer look at his reputation, 1827 - 1863
1973 |
Hoover, Suzanne R. |
Blake's frame of language
1973 |
Miles, Josephine |
Blake, Coleridge and Wordsworth : some cross-currents and parallels, 1789 - 1805
1973 |
Beer, John |
References to Blake in Samuel Palmer's letters
1973 |
Lister, Raymond |
Blake's songs of spring
1973 |
Tolley, Michael J. |
Blake's figures of despair : man in his spectre-S power
1973 |
Warner, Janet |
William Blake, the Prince of the Hebrews, and the Woman clothed with the sun
1973 |
Paley, Morton D. |
Blake's early poetry
1973 |
Phillips, Michael |
The title-page of the Book of Urizen
1973 |
Eaves, Morris |
Blake's "Gothicised imagination" and the history of England
1973 |
Bindman, David |
The chapel of gold
1973 |
Knight, G. Wilson |
Geoffrey Keynes's work on Blake Fons et origo and a checklist of writings on Blake by Geoffrey Keynes, 1910 - 72
1973 |
Bentley, G. E. |
The altering eye : Blake's vision in the Tiriel designs
1973 |
Essick, Robert N. |
Reading the illuminations of Blake's Marriage of heaven and hell
1973 |
Erdman, David V. |
Blake, the Varleys, and the patent graphic telescope
1973 |
Butlin, Martin |
Justifyng one's valuation of Blake
1973 |
Leavis, F. R. |