Becherformen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Fundort Delft
1981 |
Theuerkauff-Liederwald, Anna-Elisabeth |
Les verres provenant des fouilles archéologiques effectuèes à Plock (XIVe - XVe siècle)
1981 |
Ciepiela-Kubalska, Sławomira |
A note on the "spontaneous fracturing" of ancient glass simples
1981 |
Newton, Roy |
Vom römischen zum fränkischen Glas, im Spiegel der Funde von Krefeld-Gellep
1981 |
Pirling, Renate |
Glass in the Balkans from 12th to 15th centuries
1981 |
Han, Verena |
Origine de la verrerie
1981 |
Ščapova, Julija Leonidovna |
"Flowers which clothe the meadows in spring", the rebirth of Milefiori c. 1500
1981 |
Hollister, Paul |
French and other continental glassware in Canada, ca. 1700 to ca. 1760
1981 |
Jones, Olive |
Few comments on Caspar Lehmann and central European glass and hard stone engraving
1981 |
Drahotová, Olga |
L' influence anglaise sur les formes de miroirs produits en Pologne au XVIIIe siècle
1981 |
Chojnacka, Halina |
Pressglas mit naturalistischen Motiven
1981 |
Franke, Manfred |
The reproduction of the octogonal passglas found at Danish glasshouses from about 1600
1981 |
Schlüter, Mogens |
A preliminary survey of two groups of twelth century Mosan enamels
1981 |
Bimson, Mavis |
Little furnace and studio glass
1981 |
Valkema, Sybren |
Remarques sur la chronologie de l'introduction dans la verrerie européenne médiévale de la technologie potassique et de celle au plomb non-alcaline
1981 |
Dekówna, Maria |
Aspects of glassmaking in eighteenth-century America
1981 |
Palmer, Arlene M. |
English influence in 18th century German glass
1981 |
Dreier, Franz Adrian |
Swedish coloured glass 1920 - 1940
1981 |
Thor, Lars |
Fouilles de la verrerie medievale de Cadrix (Var)
1981 |
Foy, Danièle |
Design influences in pressed glass
1981 |
Spillman, Jane Shadel |