Pulling Herakles' leg : della Porta, Algardi, and others
1968 |
Howard, Seymour |
Die sechzehn Heiligenstatuetten im Museum der Florentiner Domopera
1968 |
Wundram, Manfred |
Rubens und der "Merkur" des Giambolonga
1968 |
Simson, Otto von |
The logic and realism of Piero della Francesca
1968 |
Shearman, John K. G. |
Franciabigio's altar-piece of St. Nicholas of Tolentino in Santo Spirito, Florence
1968 |
Laskin, Myron |
Un ipotesi per Giusto di Gand
1968 |
Rotondi, Pasquale |
The "Apotheosis of Homer" : a Wedgwood & Bentley plaque
1968 |
Scheidemantel, Vivian J. |
Broderies françaises du haut gothique conservées en Suède
1968 |
Geyer, Agnes |
Un crocifisso d'argento in San Lorenzo
1968 |
Parronchi, Alessandro |
Massimiliano Soldani Benzi architetto
1968 |
Procacci, Ugo |
Il Palazzo Pitti e gli architetti fiorentini della discendenza brunelleschiana
1968 |
Sanpaolesi, Piero |
Riccios "Nackter Mann mit Vase" : zur Deutung einer Gruppe italienischer Kleinbronzen
1968 |
Schlegel, Ursula |
The barn of the cistercian grange of Vaulerent (Seine-et-Oise), France
1968 |
Horn, Walter William |
An unpublished stage design by Desprez and its source : Polignano a Mare
1968 |
Wiles, Bertha Harris |
Una dipinto manieristico
1968 |
Del Bravo, Carlo |
Der monstruöse Stil der spanischen Renaissance-Ornamentik als kunstgeschichtliches und geistesgeschichtliches Problem
1968 |
Weise, Georg |
Bemerkungen zu einer Michelangelo-Zeichnung
1968 |
Weinberger, Martin |
Due ritratti di Lorenzo Lotto e un "codicillo"
1968 |
Fiocco, Giuseppe |
Francis Harwood, an English sculptor in XVIII century Florence
1968 |
Fleming, John |
A typological crucifixion: corpus Christi College MS 157
1968 |
Green, Rosalie B. |