Le dessin sousjacent dans le Chariot de foin de Jérôme Bosch conservé au Musée du Prado à Madrid
1991 |
Garrido, María del Carmel |
Etude matérielle des supports de toile des peintures de chevalet
1991 |
Syfer-d'Olne, Pascale |
Methods for the copying of paintings in the Southern Netherlands in the 15th and early 16th centuries
1991 |
Dykstra, Jellie |
The "Portraits" in Geertgen tot Sint Jans' Vienna Panels
1991 |
Bueren, Truus van |
Mosart software for constructing infrared reflectograms
1991 |
Walker, J. J. |
The differentiation of originals and copies of Netherlandish panel paintings by dendrochronology
1991 |
Klein, Peter |
"Le mariage de Joseph et Marie de la cathédrale d'Anvers attribué à la suite de van der Weyden"
1991 |
Maeyer, Lies de |
The painting of the Godhead by Jan van Eyck and Gérard David : a study of influence and effect
1991 |
Blacksberg, Leslie Ann |
Stefan Lochner's Darmstadt Presentation in the Temple and the Paris "copy"
1991 |
Faries, Molly |
The enigmatic underdrawing of the Master of the Gathering of the Manna
1991 |
Asperen de Boer, Johan Rudolph Justus van |
Rogier van der Weyden and the Master of Amiens 200 concerning the relationships between panel painting and book illustration
1991 |
Cardon, Bert |
Methods of copying in the portraiture of Hans Holbein the Younger
1991 |
Ainsworth, Maryan W. |
Research report on examinations of underdrawings in some Early Netherlandish and German panels in the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts
1991 |
Urbach, Zsuzsa |
Underdrawings by Giorgione and his circle
1991 |
Hope, Charles |
Bibliographie de l'infrarouge et du dessin sous-jacent, 1988 - 1990 et addendum
1991 |
Dubois, A. |
L' étude d'une copie de la Descente de croix des Arbalétriers de Louvain de Rogier van der Weyden conservée au Musée du Prado, Madrid
1991 |
Garrido, María del Carmen |
Le Triptyque Edelheer
1991 |
Schoute, Roger van |
La lecture des textes
1991 |
Dierick, Alfons Lieven |
An investigation of two paintings of the Stigmatization of Saint Francis thought to have been painted by Jan van Eyck
1991 |
Butler, Marigene H. |
Some observations on the use of autoradiography in the study of underdrawings in American painting
1991 |
Alexander, Ingrid C. |