America's purchasing power and the evolution of European art in the late nineteenth century
1982 |
Boime, Albert |
Il Salone di Parigi e la pittura ungherese nel secolo XIX
1982 |
Bodnár, Éva |
La formazione della società promotrice di belle arti di Napoli, 1860 - 1866
1981 |
Fusco, Maria Antonella |
Salons, exhibitions et sociétés d'artistes en France 1871 - 1914
1981 |
Vaisse, Pierre |
Über den Einfluss der Preisaufgaben und der Ausstellungen der Weimarer Kunstfreunde auf die deutsche Kunstentwicklung zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts
1981 |
Gärtner, Hannelore |
"Voisins et alliés" : the French critics' view of the English contribution to the beaux-arts section of the exhibition universelle in 1855
1981 |
Pointon, Marcia |
Istituzioni artistiche fiorentine 1765 - 1825
1981 |
Meloni Trkulja, Silvia |
Exhibitions of contemporary painting in London and Paris, 1760 - 1860
1981 |
Whiteley, Jon |
The Tuileries Museum and the uses of art history in the early Third Republic
1981 |
Varnedoe, Kirk |
Museums in the Netherlands : their contribution to art and life in the last 50 years ; from erudition to education
1981 |
Jaffé, Hans Ludwig C. |
The world's fairs : from bazar to utopian vision
1981 |
Trapp, Frank Anderson |
Rapporti tra istituzioni e artisti
1981 |
Zanini, Walter |
The first international art exhibition in Munich 1869
1981 |
Smoot, Myrna |
American participation in the Paris salons, 1870 - 1900
1981 |
Fink, Lois Marie |
Versailles : monument national
1981 |
Gaehtgens, Thomas W. |
Le sacré au salon
1981 |
Poprze̜cka, Maria |
Alle origini del museo moderno : museo privato come funzione pubblica nella corrispondenza inedita di collezionisti veneti fra '700 e '800
1981 |
Olivato, Loredana |
Monument, Museum, Mausoleum : Aspekte neoklassizistischer Unsterblichkeit
1981 |
Traeger, Jörg |
Les institutions du Second Empire et le Salon des Refusés
1981 |
Lacambre, Geneviève |
Istituzioni artistiche fiorentine 1765-1825
Meloni Trkulja, Silvia |