Ruskin and the Brownings twenty-five unpublished letters
1972 |
Laura, David J. de |
The Gospel Book of Abbess Svanhild of Essen in the John Rylands Library
1971 |
Kahsnitz, Rainer |
Les objets du culte, le sanctuaire du désert et le temple de Jérusalem, dans les bibles hebraiques médiévales enluminées, en Orient et en Espagne : 2
1971 |
Metzger, Thérèse |
Prelude to the last decade : Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the summer of 1872 : 2
1971 |
Fredeman, William E. |
The reformation city
1971 |
Hall, Basil |
Les objets du culte, le sanctuaire du désert et le temple de Jérusalem, dans les bibles hébraiques médiévales enluminées, en Orient et en Espagne
1970 |
Metzger, Thérèse |
Prelude to the last decade : Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the summer of 1872
1970 |
Fredeman, William E. |
The Ruskin Galleries at Bembridge School, Isle of Wight
1969 |
Dearden, James S. |
The image of God in the book of Genesis : a study of terminology
1968 |
Barr, James |
Pre-Raphaelite novelist Manqué, Oliver Madox Brown
1968 |
Fredeman, William E. |
A pre-raphaelite gazette : the Penkill letters of Arthur Hughes to William Bell Scott and Alice Boyd, 1886 - 97
1967 |
Fredeman, William E. |
Image and symbol in Shakespear's histories
1967 |
Muir, Kenneth |
A sixteenth-century illustrated Turkish manuscript in the John Rylands Library
1966 |
Meredith-Owens, Glynn M. |
The earliest engraved Italian megilloth
1966 |
Metzger, Mendel |
Art for archaeologists
1966 |
Codrington, K. de B. |
Medieval descriptions of cities
1966 |
Hyde, J. K. |
Rossetti's "in memoriam" : an elegiac reading of the house of life
1965 |
Fredeman, William E. |
Notes sur trois manuscrits syriaques de la John Rylands library
1964 |
Leroy, Jules |
A study of some unknown hand-painted megilloth of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
1963 |
Metzger, Mendel |
The John Rylands Megillah and some other illustrated Megilloth of the XVth to XVIIth centuries
1962 |
Metzger, Mendel |