Sul tipo del cavaliere draconoctono nell'arte carolingia
1983 |
Kádár, Zoltán |
Cuncto tempore saeculi : Théophanies présentes et futures dans l'iconographie monumentale du haut moyen age
1983 |
Christe, Yves |
A possible iconographical source for the carolingian high crosses of Ireland
1983 |
Harbison, Peter |
Insular contributions to early carolingian manuscript illumination
1983 |
Wright, David H. |
Some compositional aspects of the carolingian Ada group
1983 |
Narḳis, Betsalʾel |
Tradition and change in Asturia : the royal tribune and the "Proto-rose" window
1983 |
Lozinski, Jean |
L' immagine della Croce nella scultura longobarda e nell'"Entrelacs" carolingio della diocesi di Torino
1983 |
Casartelli Novelli, Silvana |
The serpent at the foot of the cross 850 - 1050
1983 |
Kirby, Elisabeth A. |
Benedikt von Aniane und die Architektur unter Ludwig dem Frommen zwischen 814 und 830
1983 |
Jacobsen, Werner |
Die Buchmalerei
1983 |
Mütherich, Florentine |
Zur Illustration des St. Galler Folchard-Psalters
1983 |
Eggenberger, Christoph |
Die Goldschmiedekunst
1983 |
Elbern, Victor H. |
Liturgical aspects of the Visitatio Sepulchri scene
1983 |
Pochat, Götz |
Enter the devil
1983 |
Brunius, Teddy |
L' Architecture carolingienne à la lumiere de la reforme religieuse
1983 |
Heitz, Carol |
Die religiöse Reform und die bildende Kunst der Karolingerzeit : die Elfenbeine
1983 |
Fillitz, Hermann |
The reform of the church music on a late carolingian ivory diptych
1983 |
Sanderson, Warren |
A study in carolingian political theology : the David cycle at St. John, Müstair
1983 |
Cwi, Joan S. |
Tipologia e simbologia di alcuni palazzi imperiali
1983 |
D'Onofrio, Mario |