An unknown fragment of the "Jami'altawarikh" in the Asiatic Society of Bengal
1954 |
Gray, Basil |
[Rezension von:] Lamm, Carl Johan: Oriental glass of Mediaeval date found in Sweden and the early history of lustre-painting. - Stockholm, 1941
1954 |
Kühnel, Ernst |
[Rezension von:] Lane, Arthur: Guide to the collection of tiles : Victoria and Albert Museum, Department of Ceramics. - London, 1939
1954 |
Kühnel, Ernst |
[Rezension von:] Ettinghausen, Richard: A selected and annotated bibliography of books and periodicals in Western languages dealing with the Near and Middle East ... - Washington, 1952
1954 |
Glidden, H. W. |
[Rezension von:] Waagé, Dorothy B.: Antioch-on-the-Orontes : vol. 4, part 2: Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Crusaders' Coins. - Princeton , 1952
1954 |
Miles, George Carpenter |
[Rezension von:] Rice, David Storm: Le Baptistère de St. Louis. - Paris, 1951
1954 |
Ettinghausen, Richard |
In Memoriam : Jean Sauvaget (1901 - 1950)
1954 |
Day, Florence E. |
[Rezension von:] Waagé, Frederick O.: Antioch on the Orontes : 4, part 1: ceramic and Islamic coins. - Princeton : Univ. Press, 1948
1954 |
Kühnel, Ernst |
Early Islamic bookbindings and their Coptic relations
1954 |
Petersen, Theodore C. |
The publications of Jean Sauvaget
1954 |
Ettinghausen, Richard |
The inscription of the Boston "Baghdad" Silk : a note on method in epigraphy
1954 |
Day, Florence E. |
The season and the labors of the months in Islamic art : to the memory of Gilbert Boris
1954 |
Rice, David Storm |
[Rezension von:] Weibel, Adèle Coulin: Two thousand years of textiles. - New York : Pantheon Books, 1952
1954 |
Day, Florence E. |
[Rezension von:] Mē'îr, Lē'ô Arî: Mamluk costume : a survey. - Geneva : Alb. Kundig, 1952
1954 |
Day, Florence E. |
[Rezension von:] Lane, Arthur: Early Islamic pottery : Mesopotamia, Egypt and Persia. - London : Faber and Faber, 1947
1954 |
Kühnel, Ernst |
Sedrata : un chapitre nouveau de l'histoire de l'art musulman ; campagnes de 1951 et 1952
1954 |
Berchem, Marguerite van |
Türkische Miniaturmalerei am Hofe Mehmet des Eroberers in Istanbul
1954 |
Aslanapa, Oktay |
The Chinese elements in the Istambul miniatures
1954 |
Loehr, Max |
In Memoriam : Otto Kümmel
1954 |
Lippe, Aschwin |
Notes on the lusterware of Spain
1954 |
Ettinghausen, Richard |