Historic garden preservation in the United States : its history and present state
1975 |
MacDougall, Elisabeth B. |
The historic gardens in Italy
1975 |
Pasolini, Desideria |
From the historic to the total garden : some considerations based on the cultural and related influences of botanic and other gardens of the past
1975 |
Verdoorn, Frans |
The restoration work at Rosendael
1975 |
Heineman, W. A. |
Ornamental plants in 16th and 17th century gardens
1975 |
Oldenburger-Ebbers, Catherine |
Historical gardens in the Federal Republic of Germany : risks and experiences
1975 |
Gollwitzer, Gerda |
For the Netherlands historic gardens and parks the signal is at danger
1975 |
Kamerlingh-Onnes, H. M. A. |
Les jardins du Vatican
1975 |
Redig de Campos, Deoclecio |
Brèves notices sur les châteaux et jardins visités
1975 |
Erkelens, A. M. Louise E. |
The historical garden in growing cities
1975 |
Mikulina, Jelena M. |
Restauration du Palais de Het Loo
1975 |
Asbeck, Jan van |
Le jardin historique de "La Alameda de Osuna"
1975 |
González Cebrian, Juan |
Les jardins historiques en Suisse
1975 |
Heyer, Hans-Rudolf |
Les jardins et les villes historiques
1975 |
González Valcarcel, José Manuel |