Les sources de l'innovation dans l'art
1968 |
Ovsjannikov, Michail Fedotovič |
Zur Theorie des "Unvollendeten" in der Kunst
1968 |
Lützeler, Heinrich |
The new concept of art in industrial design
1968 |
Ovink, G. Willem |
Problems in the classification of contemporary works of plastik art in motion
1968 |
Popper, Frank |
Der künstlerische Fortschritt und seine Stimuli
1968 |
Rasumny, W. |
Sentimentality in religious art
1968 |
Butler, John F. |
Some problems in the classification "Junk Object"
1968 |
Amyx, Clifford |
L' art-religion de l'homme moderne
1968 |
Flam, Léopold |
Il significato della pittura informale
1968 |
Guaraldi, Antonella |
Realism in art
1968 |
Sayre, Woodrow Wilson |
Die Begegnung mit der modernen europäischen Malerei
1968 |
Nishida, Hideho |
The space creations of G. Th. Rietveld
1968 |
Singelenberg, Pieter |
Die essentielle Vieldeutigkeit des ästhetischen Gegenstandes
1968 |
Blumenberg, Hans |
Logical and metaphysical differences between works of art, objets trouvés, and natural objects
1968 |
Fröhlich, Fanchon |
Le perenni difficoltà dell'esteticas architettonica
1968 |
Cavallari-Murat, Augusto |
Medieval art as language
1968 |
Wallis, Mieczysław |
Sur un âge du goût pictural
1968 |
Frances, Robert |
Convention, revolt and innovation in contemporary church architecture
1968 |
Austin, Holcombe M. |
Explication artistique
1968 |
Gołaszewska, Maria |
Disproportion as a principle of art
1968 |
Heinemann, Fritz H. |