A unique group of cartoons for glass reconsidered
1990 |
Boon, Karel Gerard |
Brief notes on a great collection : Anton Maria Zanetti and his collection of drawings
1990 |
Bettagno, Alessandro |
Four Venetian drawings in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge
1990 |
Scrase, David |
Gaetano Gandolfi's children's portraits
1990 |
Cazort, Mimi |
A Rubens palimpsest?
1990 |
Held, Julius S. |
Some notes on the development of drawing practices in Nicodemus Tessin's workshop
1990 |
Magnusson, Börje |
A chance encounter : the Stevensons and Krøyer
1990 |
Sutton, Denys |
Another Schedoni drawing
1990 |
Jaffé, Michael |
'The Vision of St. Jerome' attributed to Bartholomäus Reiter
1990 |
Andrews, Keith |
Unbekannte Figurenzeichnungen von Claude Lorrain im Berliner Kupferstichkabinett
1990 |
Schade, Werner |
"Krawall der Irren" : eine Weltlandschaft von George Grosz
1990 |
Dückers, Alexander |
Zu Hans Holbein d.J. als Zeichner : Holbein ein Altdeutscher?
1990 |
Landolt, Hanspeter |
A drawing by Algardi
1990 |
Macandrew, Hugh |
Die Kopenhagener Nachzeichnungen des Giovanni Guerra (1544 - 1618) nach der Säule des Marc Aurel
1990 |
Harprath, Richard |
Ignazio Hugford : drawings in the Uffizi
1990 |
Wynne, Michael |
A charcoal drawing by Veit Stoss
1990 |
Rowlands, John |
Zum Werk von Flaminio Torri
1990 |
Klessmann, Rüdiger |
La Bibliothèque d'Odilon Redon
1990 |
Bacou, Roseline |
Master IAM of Zwoll : the personality of a designer and engraver
1990 |
Filedt Kok, J. P. |
Louis Jean Desprez and his Sicilan recollections
1990 |
Bjurström, Per |