An American Portrait : William Aspinwall by Gilbert Stuart
1983 |
Brooks, Shepherd |
Malevich-Mondrian : geometric form as the expression of the absolute
1982 |
Dabrowski, Magdalena |
Constructivist recipes for Dada breakfasts
1982 |
Foster, Stephen C. |
Constructivist architecture : retrospective critiques
1982 |
Žygas, K. Paul |
Picasso's Woman with a fan as an icon
1982 |
Taggard, Mindy Nancarrow |
Avant-garde art in transition : the work of Alexandr Rodchenko and Vladimir Tatlin
1982 |
Roman, Gail Harrison |
"5 x 5 = 25" : the science of constructivism
1982 |
Bowlt, John E. |
Theo van Doesburg and El Lissitzky : the Constructivist vision for a new world
1982 |
Beversdorf Gabbard, Paula |
Alexandra Exter : theatrical constructivism
1982 |
Law, Alma H. |
The meaning of masks in Zurich Dada
1982 |
Plax, Julie |
Representative artists of three countries in the geometric tradition : Ilya Bolotowsky, Anthony Hill and Richard Paul Lohse
1982 |
Rembert, Virginia Pitts |
A 'Chardin' for Kansas City
1981 |
Rosenberg, Pierre |
A view of the Piazza del Popolo, Rome, by Giovanni Paolo Panini
1981 |
Bowron, Edgar Peters |
'Mehus' not 'Mola'
1981 |
Bowron, Edgar Peters |
A 'View of The Piazza del Popolo, Rome by Giovanni Paolo Panini
1981 |
Bowron, Edgar Peters |
A 'signature' unmasked.
1979 |
Russell, Francis |
The Kansas City Petrus Christus : its importance and dating
1979 |
Collier, James M. |
The gallery in the bicentennial year
1976 |
Sickman, Laurence |
Claude Monet's boulevard des Capucines : after a century
1976 |
Coe, Ralph T. |
Odilon's Redon's Vase Fleurie
1976 |
Coe, Ralph T. |