Brunelleschi, "Giotto" and Rome
1985 |
Trachtenberg, Marvin |
Sts. Martin and Francis : sources and meaning in Simone Martini's Montefiore chapel
1985 |
Brink, Joel |
L'Annunciazione della Vergine nella chiesa della SS. Annunziata a Firenze : un contributo al moderno culto dei quadri
1985 |
Waźbiński, Zygmunt |
Amphion playing the lyre
1985 |
Szilágyi, András |
A proposito di un gruppo di marche di vasai rinascimentali da Pistoia
1985 |
Vannini, Guido |
Two Cerchi palaces in Florence
1985 |
Preyer, Brenda |
From the rain to the wash water in the Medici garden at Pratolino
1985 |
Lazzaro, Claudia |
"Ymaginiers et maitres-maçons" toscani e francesi alla corte dei Valois : da Carlo VIII a Caterina de' Medici
1985 |
Quinterio, Francesco |
Observations on Ammannati's Neptune fountain : 1565 and 1575
1985 |
Campbell, Malcolm |
New notices for Michelozzo
1985 |
Beck, James H. |
Ercole, il giurista e il condottiero : gli affreschi tardo-quattrocenteschi di Casa Pasinetti a Clusone
1985 |
Frugoni, Chiara |
Pictorial legitimation of territorial gains in Emilia : the iconography of the Camera Peregrina Aurea in the Castle of Torchiara
1985 |
Woods-Marsden, Joanna |
On the background of Pomarancio's S. Nicola da Tolentino interceding for the souls in purgatory (S. Agostino, Pesaro) and a drawing of the Villa Imperiale
1985 |
Eiche, Sabine |
Zu einem frühen Porträt von Domenico Ghirlandajo
1985 |
Rosenauer, Artur |
Documents for the foundation of tapestry weaving under Cosimo I de' Medici
1985 |
Adelson, Candace |
Alberti's ideal architect : Renaissance - or Gothic?
1985 |
Toker, Franklin |
Giovanni Bellini and the altarpiece of St. Vincent Ferrer
1985 |
Goffen, Rona |
Brunelleschi's cupola, a great hill of earth, and the Pantheon
1985 |
Watson, Paul F. |
Il ritratto di Giulia Trivulzio del Cavazzola
1985 |
Bisogni, Fabio |
Attention and inattention in religious painting of the Renaissance : some preliminary observations
1985 |
Gaston, Robert W. |