Trailing the shadow : the aesthetics of "disappearance" in street photography
2001 |
Wigoder, Meir |
Meaning in the 'inhabited' scrolls of some Beatus pages : a case study
2001 |
Wolter-von dem Knesebeck, Harald |
The art of the edge : frames and page-design in manuscripts of the Ghent-Bruges-School
2001 |
Grebe, Anja |
Twelfth century North Italian mosaic pavements : are they really marginal?
2001 |
Meiri-Dann, Naomi |
What does the mask cover? : Giacometti's 'The Invisible Object' (1934)
2001 |
Markus, Ruth |
The marginal images of marginal people
2001 |
Nashman Fraiman, Susan |
The "peopled" scroll motif in the land of Israel in late Antiquity
2001 |
Ovadiah, Asher |
The liturgical locality of St. Michael's at Hildesheim 'in some murky place, suitable for wild or brutish beasts'
2001 |
Werckmeister, Otto Karl |
Margins of "peopled" scrolls in mosaics in Spain and the East
2001 |
Blázquez, José María |
Dal margine al centro : scelte tematiche "al margine" e temi "marginali" al centro nella scultura monumentale italomeridionale normanno-sveva
2001 |
Pace, Valentino |
St. Martin in Candes : a major monument of Angevon Gothic art ; a marginal chapter in medieval history
2001 |
Lutan-Hassner, Sara |
A matter of looking : the female images in the Umayyad Palace at Khirbat al-Mafjar
2001 |
Taragan, Hana |
Ornamental initial letters in Joachim von Sandrart's 'Teutsche Academie' of 1675 - 1680
2001 |
Stewering, Roswitha |
A propos the 'Mandil' : tracing the ancient Near Eastern origins of Badge of office
2001 |
Ziffer, Irit |
Roman condensed indicative symbols and emblems
2001 |
Gersht, Rivka |
Interaction of marginal and official iconography : the West façade of St. Hilaire in Foussais ; its oral, visual and literary sources
2001 |
Kenaʿan-Ḳedar, Nurit |
Hieronymus Bosch : marginal imagery shifted into the center and the notion of upside down
2001 |
Pinson, Yona |
Metamorphoses of constructional and decorative functions in architectural sculpture of the twelfth century : a case study: the column
2001 |
Grabiner, Esther |
The vine scrolls motif in Antique and early Christian funerary art : content and meaning
2001 |
Michaeli, Talila |
The inhabited scroll in Romanesque sculpture : the morphology from decoration to meaning
2001 |
Verzar, Christine B. |