Prague Castle under Rudolf II : his predecessors and successors
1997 |
Fučíková, Eliška |
Architectural styles in the reign of Rudolf II : Italian and Hispanic influences
1997 |
Muchka, Ivan |
Bookbinding : style and ornament
1997 |
Vondráček, Radim |
Roelandt Savery and the "discovery" of the alpine waterfall
1997 |
Spicer, Joaneath Ann |
Thoughts on Rudolfine Art in the "court workshops" in Prague
1997 |
Distelberger, Rudolf |
The decorative arts
1997 |
Kybalová, Jana |
Landscapes and city views of Prague
1997 |
Gerszi, Teréz |
"Pictor doctus" : drawing and the theory of art around 1600
1997 |
Vignau-Wilberg, Thea |
The "Kunstkammer" of Rudolf II : where it was and what it looked like
1997 |
Bukovinská, Beket |
Book-printing and other forms of publishing in Prague, 1550-1650
1997 |
Bohatcová, Mirjam |
Sculpture and painting in Prague, 1550-1650
1997 |
Šroněk, Michal |
Picturing the artist in Rudolfine Prague
1997 |
Konečný, Lubomír |
Architecture in Prague, 1550-1650
1997 |
Vlček, Pavel |
Natural history illustration at the court of Rudolf II
1997 |
Hendrix, Lee |
Perspective on Prague : Rudolfine stylistics reviewed
1997 |
Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta |
Engraving at the court of Prague
1997 |
Limouze, Dorothy A. |
Cabinets, collecting and natural philosophy
1997 |
Findlen, Paula |
Portraits of emperor Rudolf II
1997 |
Larsson, Lars Olof |
Prague between 1550 and 1650
1997 |
Pešek, Jiří |