A cycle of the holy archangels in a thirteenth-century rock-cut chapel near Ivanovo
1995 |
Bakalova, Elka |
"Living the dead became" : the prophet Elijah as a holy image in early Jewish art
1995 |
Narḳis, Betsalʾel |
Geography and politics in early Christian ornament in Greece
1995 |
Frantz, Alison |
A chance classical revival in Byzantine Greece
1995 |
Mpuras, Charalampos Th. |
Haggadah and Aggadah : reconsidering the origins of the biblical illustrations in medieval hebrew manuscripts
1995 |
Sed-Rajna, Gabrielle |
The date and significance of the Romanos ivory
1995 |
Cutler, Anthony |
"Servants of the Holy Icon"
1995 |
Ševčenko, Nancy Patterson |
CTAYPOC : vom "Wort vom Kreuz" (1 Kor. 1,18) zum Kreuz-Symbol
1995 |
Dinkler- von Schubert, Erika |
Une variante originale de la Crucifixion de type palestinien
1995 |
Velmans, Tania |
A Moses cycle on a Sinai icon of the early thirteenth century
1995 |
Murikē, Ntula |
About an Arabic Dioskorides manuscript
1995 |
Grabar, Oleg |
Un manuscrit illustré inédit du premier tiers du XVe siècle
1995 |
Smirnova, Ėngelina Sergeevna |
Deux triptyques d'Oubissi : icônes géorgiennes du style des Paléologues
1995 |
Alibegašvili, G. |
Monumental painting from Jerusalem in American collections
1995 |
Kühnel, Gustav |
On medieval iconography in the monastery of St. Paul near the Red Sea
1995 |
Moorsel, Paul van |
Searching for lost sources of the illustration of the Septuagint
1995 |
Bernabò, Massimo |
On the hypothetical models of the Byzantine iconography of the Ark of the Covenant
1995 |
Revel-Neher, Elisabeth |
The Kahn and Mellon Madonnas : icon or altarpiece?
1995 |
Folda, Jaroslav |
Egyptian late antique art from Nubian royal tombs
1995 |
Török, László |
Orientalische Einflüsse in einigen Trachten der Wandmalereien von Bawit
1995 |
Lucchesi-Palli, Elisabetta |