A fourteenth-century icon of the Virgin Eleousa in the Byzantine museum of Athens
1995 |
Chatzēdakē-Mpachara, Theanō |
Zwei palaiologische Evangelistenbilder
1995 |
Restle, Marcell |
The influence of the lithos in the development of the iconography of the Threnos
1995 |
Spatharakēs, Iōannēs |
Another icon of Christ at Sinai
1995 |
Chatzēdakēs, Manolēs |
Deux icônes d'Ohrid peu étudiées
1995 |
Miljkoviḱ-Pepek, Petar |
Les trois fragments d'ivoire de Berlin, Paris et Nevers
1995 |
Gaborit-Chopin, Danielle |
Antiquity and empire in the throne of Charles the Bald
1995 |
Deshman, Robert |
Two unpublished illuminated manuscripts in Athens
1995 |
Bokotopulos, Panagiōtēs L. |
Incipits and author portraits in Greek gospel books : some observations
1995 |
Loerke, William C. |
The Virgin "Ē alēthinē" : a Palaiologan icon from the Gerokomeiou monastery in Patras
1995 |
Acheimastu-Potamianu, Myrtalē |
Leo of Chalcedon and the icons
1995 |
Carr, Annemarie Weyl |
Die Kindheitsgeschichte Jesu als politische Theologie am Triumphbogenmosaik von Santa Maria Maggiore in Rom
1995 |
Schubert, Ursula |
The lives of hermits in the wall paintings of the Katholikon of the monastery of Jošanica
1995 |
Petković, Sreten |
Discs held by angels in the Anastasis at Dečani
1995 |
Gavrilović, Zaga |
Two modes of narration in Byzantine art
1995 |
Maguire, Henry |
Icons and icon piety in early Byzantium
1995 |
Vikan, Gary |
La staurothèque byzantine de la Svanéti
1995 |
Xuskivaje, Leila |
Quelques bronzes byzantins à Chersonèse (les liens avec l'Asie Mineure et les Balkans aux XIIe - XIVe siècles)
1995 |
Zalesskaja, Vera Nikolaevna |
Monumental painting from Jerusalem in American collections
1995 |
Kühnel, Gustav |
On medieval iconography in the monastery of St. Paul near the Red Sea
1995 |
Moorsel, Paul van |