Presymbolic formation : reflections on bodily communication between humans and artefacts
2014 |
Lauschke, Marion |
Artistic intuition within Cassirer's system of symbolic forms : a brief reassessment
2014 |
Capeillères, Fabien |
Images and measurements across arts and sciences
2014 |
Hoel, Aud Sissel |
Ghiberti und Lessings Laokoon : [Florenz, Wintersemester 1888-1889]
2014 |
Warburg, Aby |
Aby Warburgs "Grundlegende Bruchstücke zu einer pragmatischen Ausdruckskunde"
2014 |
Müller, Susanne |
"Ausdruck-Ausdruckloses" : a critique of the work-phenomenon
2014 |
Metta, Carmen |
The doctrine of basis phenomena : a phenomenological foundation for the philosophy of symbolic forms?
2014 |
Meland, Ingmar |
Cassirer and the aesthetic : expression, representation and significance : an introduction
2014 |
Meland, Ingmar |
Warburg, Cassirer et Bruno : quelques remarques sur "individu et cosmos"
2009 |
Bianchi, Lorenzo |
2009 |
Warburg, Aby |
Meine Wege zu Cassirer : eine Skizze
2009 |
Hofmann, Werner |
Cassirer lecteur et interprète de Giordano Bruno
2009 |
Seidengart, Jean |
Bild und Symbol
2009 |
Rudolph, Enno |
Cassirer's "Symbolic Values" and philosophical iconology
2009 |
Krois, John Michael |
A cassirerian-kleean casuistry of occurrences of "form" and "figure"
2009 |
Metta, Carmen |
Das Klopfen auf der andern Seite des Tunnels
2009 |
Ghelardi, Maurizio |
"K" for "Kunst" : Cassirer's pages on Art for PdsF IV ; with a note on Francis Bacon
2009 |
Capeillères, Fabien |
La philosophie comme science du symbolique
2009 |
Kremer-Marietti, Angèle |
"Who are we?" : toward an ontology of sense
2009 |
Lofts, Steve G. |
Giordano Bruno
2009 |
Warburg, Aby |