The revival of antique vault decoration
1963 |
Schulz, Juergen |
The census of antique works of art known to Renaissance artists
1963 |
Bober, Phyllis Pray |
The style all'antica : imitation and assimilation
1963 |
Gombrich, Ernst H. |
Strukturprinzipien der Florentiner Frührenaissance Architektur : Prospectiva aedificandi
1963 |
Heydenreich, Ludwig H. |
The Renaissance concept of nature and antiquity
1963 |
Białostocki, Jan |
Maniera as an aesthetic ideal
1963 |
Shearman, John K. G. |
Sources of the Renaissance villa
1963 |
Ackerman, James S. |
Mannerism in architecture : changing aspects
1963 |
Lotz, Wolfgang |
Perspective and imagination
1963 |
Oertel, Robert |
Realism as a "side road or byway" in Dutch art
1963 |
Řezníček, Emil Karel Josef |
A relief in Rodez and the beginnings of Romanesque sculpture in Southern France
1963 |
Schapiro, Meyer |
Discussione sul manierismo
1963 |
Redig de Campos, Deoclecio |
Recent concepts of Mannerism : introduction ; the historiographic background
1963 |
Gombrich, Ernst H. |
Mannerism and maniera
1963 |
Smyth, Craig Hugh |
Masaccio and the early Renaissance : the circular plan
1963 |
Meiss, Millard |
Alberti and Vitruvius
1963 |
Krautheimer, Richard |
Power and the individual in mannerist art
1963 |
Hartt, Frederick |
Le premier projet pour St.-Pierre de Rome, Bramante et Michel-Ange
1963 |
Wolff Metternich, Franz |
Nanni di Banco's Assumption of the Virgin on the Porta della Mandorla
1963 |
Janson, Horst W. |
Physiognomical theory in Renaissance heroic portraits
1963 |
Meller, Peter |