[Rezension von:] Public buildings in early modern Europe / ed. by K. A. Ottenheym .... - Turnhout [u.a.] : Brepols, 2010. - XIV, 408 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. . - ISBN: 978-2-503-53354-4. - (Architectura moderna ; 9)
2012 |
Stenvert, Ronald |
[Rezension von:] Public buildings in early modern Europe / ed. by K. A. Ottenheym .... - Turnhout [u.a.] : Brepols, 2010. - XIV, 408 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. . - ISBN: 978-2-503-53354-4. - (Architectura moderna ; 9)
2011 |
Jachmann, Julian |
Les loggias communales en Dalmatie aux XVe et XVIe siècles
2010 |
Grujić, Nada |
Italian state prisons in the sixteenth century : Naples and Venice
2010 |
Longobardi, Lanfranco |
Italian hospitals of the early Renaissance
2010 |
Günther, Hubertus |
The Academia Julia in Helmstedt as a model university building in Germany around 1600
2010 |
Uppenkamp, Barbara |
The weigh house : an architectural typology of the Dutch golden age
2010 |
Kiem, Karl |
Les hôtels de l'Intendance en France au XVIIIe siècle
2010 |
Dargaud, Stéphanie |
Jesuit school courtyards at Évora and Coimbra and their secular origin and function
2010 |
Lobo, Rui |
L' Hôtel Royal des Invalides
2010 |
Barreau, Joëlle |
The great Rialto bridge debate
2010 |
Howard, Deborah |
Building discipline : two Amsterdam houses of correction
2010 |
Schmidt, Freek |
Government buildings in the Dutch colonies (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)
2010 |
Bosman, Lex |
"So strangely altered" : Oxford and Cambridge Colleges, c. 1660 - 1735
2010 |
Fair, Alistair |
Town halls in early modern Poland c. 1500-1750
2010 |
Arciszewska, Barbara |
A typology for the well-ordered society : Nicolaus Goldmann on public buildings
2010 |
Goudeau, Jeroen |
The Copenhagen Exchange (1619 - 1624) designed by the Van Steenwinckel brothers : "not for the secret arts of Mercury and Laverna..."
2010 |
Roding, Juliette |
Les infrastructures marchandes dans la France-Comté et ses marges du XVe au XVIIIe siècle
2010 |
Claerr-Roussel, Christiane |
Tolbooths, the Scottish "hôtel de ville", during the Renaissance
2010 |
McKean, Charles |
Le rôle des hôtels de ville dans l'élaboration d'une architecture publique "à la française"
2010 |
Liévaux, Pascal |