Semiotics and ideology in mixed messages : the postage stamp
1998 |
Scott, David |
On representation in concrete semiotic poetry
1998 |
Clüver, Claus |
Contesting "meaning" in the late 19th century : a site of American art, autobiography, and ambition
1998 |
Vandersee, Charles |
Fusing word and image : the case of the cartoon book, Wilde and Shenton
1998 |
Haskell, Eric T. |
Seeing and believing in the early middle ages : a preliminary investigation
1998 |
Nie, Giselle de |
L' espace-temps dans la poésie sémiotique
1998 |
Edeline, Francis |
Holopoetry and hyperpoetry
1998 |
Kac, Eduardo |
"Faire comprendre au peuple" : représentation caricaturale et éloquence démocratique dans la culture politique française de 1848
1998 |
Saim, Mirela |
The medium is the message : Ian Hamilton Finlay's garden Little Sparta
1998 |
Schoell-Glass, Charlotte |
Visual literature and semiotic conventions
1998 |
Vos, Eric |
Video - or the intermedial state of the art
1998 |
Müller, Jürgen E. |
"The three perfections" : isomorphic structures in works of late Chinese poet-calligrapher-painters
1998 |
Shi, Mingfei |
The assertion od heterodoxy in Kyoden's verbal-visual texts
1998 |
Togasaki, Fumiko T. |
Images du corps et communication non verbale dans l'ècriture de Franz Kafka
1998 |
Moser-Verrey, Monique |
L' image pensée
1998 |
Kibédi Varga, Aron |
Harry Wilmer's drawings : visual communication and violation of outline cenventions
1998 |
Dibble, Lewis |
Imagination and semiotic interactions in painting and poetry
1998 |
Reynolds, Dee |
From epigraph to iconoc epigram : the interaction between buildings and their inscriptions in the urban space
1998 |
Lund, Hans |
The commemorative images of Amadis de Gaule
1998 |
Rothstein, Marian |
Mots et images, écriture et espaces dans un roman français du XVe siècle
1998 |
Demarolle, Pierre |