Autour du portrait de Sigismond a Vienne
2010 |
Recht, Roland |
Drache oder Schlange? : das Louvre Profilporträt Sigismunds von Pisanello im Licht der italienischen Quellen
2010 |
Studničková, Milada |
König Sigismund als Advocatus Ecclesiae : ein Bildkommentar
2010 |
Buran, Dušan |
A stone retable (?) from L'Aquila in the collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts
2010 |
Papp, Szilárd |
Die Bekehrung des Paulus, ein verschollenes Bild aus dem Umkreis Hans Siebenbürgers
2010 |
Suckale, Robert |
"The fourth winged altar" : the altar of St Martin at Kisszeben (Sabinov, SK)
2010 |
Poszler, György |
The Transylvanian pilgrims of El Camino : corbels of the sanctuary of Homoródjánosfalva (Joneşti, RO)
2010 |
Kovács, András |
The architectural and ornamental wall painting of the church at Ják
2010 |
Mezey, Alice |
Eine wenig beachtete Steinmadonna des 14. Jahrhunderts in Wien
2010 |
Schmidt, Gerhard |
The scholarship of Johannes Vitéz of Zredna (1408 - 1472), Primate of Hungary and royal Chancellor
2010 |
Prokopp, Mária |
Netherlandish influences in early 16th-century painting in the Szepesség (Spiš, SK)
2010 |
Végh, János |
Henszlmann and the "Hungarian provincialism" of Romanesque architecture
2010 |
Szakács, Béla Zsolt |
Individual and collective narratives of the artistic past : the case of the church of Saint Elizabeth, Kassa (Košice, SK)
2010 |
Gerát, Ivan |
The eye and the word : Ernő Marosi and modern art
2010 |
Kovalovszky, Márta |
Nouvelles propositions pour le tympan roman de Szentkirály et l'iconographie de la donatrice
2010 |
Barral i Altet, Xavier |
Lukács Szegedi, the Bishop of Zagreb and the arts : paths of the all'antica style in the Kingdom of Hungary in the early 16th century
2010 |
Mikó, Árpád |
The Chancellor's three reasons for paintings in churches
2010 |
Endrődi, Gábor |
Demeter Nekcsei and the commission of his Bible
2010 |
Jékely, Zsombor |
An early gothic rib vault in Hungary and the question of the cerce
2010 |
Takács, Imre |
The three maxims of Ernő Marosi : art history as laying a mosaic, as historiography, and as anti-aestethics
2010 |
Beke, László |