Matteo Civitali's statues for the cathedral of Genoa
1992 |
Bule, Steven C. |
Proposte per il Verrocchio giovane
1992 |
Rosenauer, Artur |
Verrocchio's David
1992 |
Butterfield, Andrew |
Work in progress : workshops and partnerships
1992 |
Caplow, Harriet McNeal |
Andrea del Verrocchio : a selected bibliography (1935 - 1988)
1992 |
Covi, Dario A. |
Comments on Pollaiuolo in Rome
1992 |
Frank, Eric |
Tracce ed elementi verrocchieschi nella tarda produzione grafica e pittorica di Leonardo
1992 |
Marani, Pietro C. |
The venetian ducal tomb : issues of methodology and a note on Tizian's Assunta
1992 |
Pincus, Debra |
Il putto di Washington
1992 |
Parronchi, Alessandro |
Obiettivi e primi risultati : il restauro del gruppo bronzeo del Verrocchio in Orsanmichele
1992 |
Dolcini, Loretta |
Verrocchio's legacy : observations regarding his influence on Pietro Torrigiani and other Florentine sculptors
1992 |
Darr, Alan Phipps |
Donatello's high altar in the Santo, Padua
1992 |
McHam, Sarah Blake |
Michelangelo's Rome Pietà : altarpiece or grave memorial?
1992 |
Wallace, William E. |
The monument to Ambrogio Grifi in San Pietro in Gessate in Milan
1992 |
Longsworth, Ellen Louise |
Urbano da Cortona : corrections and contributions
1992 |
Munman, Robert |
Benedetto da Maiano and the use of full scale preparatory models in the Quattrocento
1992 |
Radke, Gary M. |
A new context and a new chronology for Antonio Rossellino's statue of St. Sebastian in Empoli
1992 |
Apfelstadt, Eric Charles |
Verrocchio's Medici tomb and the language of materials : with a postscript his legacy in Venice
1992 |
Sheard, Wendy Stedman |
Per una giusta valutazione del Verrocchio
1992 |
Covi, Dario A. |
The Corpus verum : Orsanmichele, tabernacles, and Verrocchio's Incredulity of Thomas
1992 |
Van Ausdall, Kristen |