Le portrait scriptural : Erasme et ses portraitistes
2009 |
Griener, Pascal |
El Greco's Conception (Thyssen) and the Prado altarpiece : light and color
2009 |
Hall, Marcia B. |
Fünf Tage - fünf Monate : Dürers Zeitangaben auf dem Rosenkranzbild und Christus unter den Schriftgelehrten
2009 |
Lübbeke, Isolde |
Van Gogh's views of the Rhône and an American illustrator
2009 |
Pickvance, Ronald |
Emil Bosshard, Grandseigneur de l'art
2009 |
Bänninger, Alex |
It seems so negligent and sloppy and is so consciously put into place : Varlin and his manner of painting
2009 |
Imhoff, Hans Christoph von |
A re-examination of Thomas Cole's "Expulsion - Moon and Firelight"
2009 |
Maddox, Kenneth W. |
Schüler von Robert Campin sein
2009 |
Thürlemann, Felix |
The technical characteristics of an early painting by Claude Lorrain
2009 |
Fisher, Sarah L. |
Kuba textiles in a subversive role
2009 |
Gaskell, Ivan |
Brandoin's "Introductions" : an account of Sandy's watercolor methods
2009 |
Hauptmann, William |
From northern "Tüchlein" to Tuscan trompe l'oeil
2009 |
Eisler, Colin T. |
A Frederick the Great snuff box in the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection
2009 |
Truman, Charles |
Emil Bosshard : die Jahre am Schweizerischen Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK) in Zürich 1975 - 1985
2009 |
Englisch, Gabriele |
Working with Emil in Lugano
2009 |
Martin, Irene |
"The Spanish forger" : un falsario ancora senza identità
2009 |
Natale, Mauro |
The seeing eye, the knowing eye
2009 |
Bowlt, John E. |
The Thyssen years in Castagnola
2009 |
Grassi, Marco |
Ein Ölgemälde mit Frühschwundrissen aus dem Jahre 1495 : ein Thema, das auch meinen lieben Freund Emil Bosshard interessiert hätte
2009 |
Kaspar, Gerald |
"In favor of intuitive abstraction" : Marsden Hartley's musical theme paintings
2009 |
Ludington, Townsend |