Jan III Sobieski's Villa Nova and its artistic programme
2009 |
Fijałkowski, Wojciech |
"You wouldn't want to swap it for our villa" : the Villa Patrizi and the Villa Catena in the reign of Innocent XIII
2009 |
Marshall, David Ryley |
The baroque villa : concluding remarks
2009 |
Connors, Joseph |
According to Polish air and custom
2009 |
Rykwert, Joseph |
The Habsburg country residences around Vienna in the seventeenth century and their relationship to the Hofburg Palace
2009 |
Karner, Herbert |
Traditions of Russian usad'ba and "Russian Versailles' in foreign accounts of early St. Petersburg
2009 |
Svirida, Inesa I. |
The baroque villa of Canon Antonio Pontons in Valencia
2009 |
González Tornel, Pablo |
The "ordinary magnificence" of Polish and Venetian Villas : the case of Angelo Morosini
2009 |
Frank, Martina |
Dutch Arcadia : Amsterdam and villa culture
2009 |
Schmidt, Freek |
Seventeenth-century country seats of the Orange court and their influence abroad
2009 |
Ottenheym, Koen A. |
The Villa Pamphili as instrument of social strategy
2009 |
Dobler, Ralph-Miklas |
Tsarskoe Selo : Villa Hadriana and its legacy in the North
2009 |
Köhler, Marcus |
At once national and international : John Webb and the 1650s English country house
2009 |
Skelton, Kimberley |
Tunnel views and engaging statues : the manipulation of the viewer's gaze in Italian villa design
2009 |
Hermans, Lex |
The illusions of Marly
2009 |
Sabatier, Gérard |
Camille de Neufville's alternative villa models : ultramontanism in provincial France, c. 1630 - 1693
2009 |
Loach, Judi D. |
Between art and politics : Wilanów in the time of Elżbieta Sieniawska née Lubomirska
2009 |
Nestorow, Rafał |
At the boundaries of classical architecture : the gate in seventeenth-century architecture in Northern Europe
2009 |
Eck, Caroline van |
"In any velvet that is much used there will always be the print of people's sitting" : the decorating of Lord Burlington's house at Chiswick, 1729 - 1740
2009 |
Rosoman, Treve |
The baroque villa - probing the paradox
2009 |
Arciszewska, Barbara |