Reading Leonardo backwards
2012 |
Landrus, Matthew |
[Rezension von:] Re-reading Leonardo : the Treatise on painting across Europe, 1550 - 1900. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2009
2010 |
Sparti, Donatella Livia |
"A chaos of intelligence" : Leonardo's "Traité" and the perspective wars at the Académie Royale
2009 |
Kemp, Martin |
The "Trattato" in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Spanish perspective and art theory
2009 |
Navarro de Zuvillaga, Javier |
Rubens and Leonardo on motion : figures, inscriptions, and texts
2009 |
Barone, Juliana |
[Rezension von:] Re-reading Leonardo : the Treatise on painting across Europe, 1550 - 1900. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2009
2009 |
Hatfield, Rab |
On the movement of figures in some early apographs of the abridged "Trattato"
2009 |
Cole, Michael |
The first italian publication of the "Treatise on painting" : book culture, the history of art, and the Naples edition of 1733
2009 |
Willette, Thomas |
Poussin as engineer of the human figure : the illustrations for Leonardo's "Trattato"
2009 |
Barone, Juliana |
Perspective and the Paris Academy
2009 |
Field, Judith Veronica |
Leonardo's theory of aerial perspective in the writings of André Félibien and the paintings of Nicolas Poussin
2009 |
Robison, Pauline Maguire |
Pacheco, Velázquez, and the legacy of Leonardo in Spain
2009 |
Black, Charlene Villaseñor |
The translation and critical "Fortuna" of Leonardo's "Trattato" in Greece and the Balkans : the manuscript translations of Panagiotis Doxaras
2009 |
Damianaki, Chrysa |
Bibliography of printed editions of Leonardo da Vinci's "Treatise on Painting"
2009 |
Guffanti, Mario Valentino |
What might Leonardo's own "Trattato" have looked like? and what did it actually look like up to the time of the "Editio Princeps"?
2009 |
Kemp, Martin |
Leonardo and the Florentine Academy
2009 |
Williams, Robert |
Who abridged Leonardo da Vinci's "Treatise on painting"?
2009 |
Farago, Claire J. |
The "Vita" of Leonardo da Vinci in Du Fresne Edition of 1651
2009 |
Soussloff, Catherine M. |
Between Academicism and its critics : Leonardo da Vinci's "Traité de la peinture" and eighteenth-century French art theory
2009 |
Kirchner, Thomas |
The 1721 English "Treatise of painting" : a Masonic moment in the culture of Newtonianism
2009 |
Woodfield, Richard |