Stilevoe izmerenie iskusstva ėpochi modernizma : = Style appreciation of the modernism art
2007 |
Malinina, Tatʹjana Glebovna |
Stil' i "stil'nost'" skul'ptury malych form Ar Deko : = Style and stylish of the small sculpture of the Art-Deco
2007 |
Astrachanceva, Tatʹjana L. |
Dialog s žizn'ju i iskanija ideal'nogo v avstro-nemeckom simbolizme : = Art and life in Austro-German symbolism
2007 |
Svetlov, Igorʹ Evgenʹevič |
K voprosu o teorii stilja : zametki neteoretika = On the problem concerning the theory of style : notes of non-theorist
2007 |
Taruašvili, Leonid I. |
Obraznyj mir romantičeskogo iskusstva : = Figurative world of romantic art
2007 |
Vanslov, Viktor Vladimirovič |
Živopis' rannego Renessansa vo Florencii : = The early Renaissance painting in Florence
2007 |
Kozlova, Svetlana I. |
Stil' "manuėlino" v iskusstve Portugalii : = The manuelino style
2007 |
Kaptereva, Tatʹjana P. |
Živopis' Valensii : ot Srednevekov'ja k Renessansu = The painting of Valence : from the Middle Ages to Renaissance
2007 |
Stëpina, Aleksandra Georgievna |
Stanovlenie i ustrojstvo žilych domov ital'janskogo Renessansa : = Incoming and settlement of the Renaissance houses
2007 |
Bajburova, Rimma Michajlovna |
Miniatjurnyj portret Nikolasa Chilliarda : k voprosu o elizavetinskom stile = Portrait in miniature of Nicholas Hilliard (Hillyard) : on the problem of Elizabethan style
2007 |
Voronina, Tatʹjana S. |
I. V. Gete o kategorijach "ėpocha", "stil'" i "manera" : = Goethe on style and manner
2007 |
Fedotova, Elena D. |
Piranezi i egipetskij stil' : = Piranesi and the Egyptian style
2007 |
Sorokina, Natalʹja Igorevna |
Gjustav Moro i russkie chudožniki-simbolisty : = Gustave Moreau and Russian symbolist painters
2007 |
Florkovskaja, Anna Konstantinovna |
"Vzryv" cveta v juvelirnom iskusstve pervoj treti XX veka : = Outbreak of color in the jeweler's art in the third part of the 20th century
2007 |
Perfilʹeva, Irina Ju. |
Klassičeskoe, revoljucionnoe : zametki ob iskusstve Novogo vremeni = Classic, revolutionary : notes on the art of Modern time
2007 |
Jakimovič, Aleksandr |
Uindem L'juis i vorticizm : = Percy Windham Lewis and Vorticism
2007 |
Igumnova, Elena V. |
Sumerki zolota : ikonologija dragocennogo metalla i ego ėstetičeskich metamorfoz = Dusk of the gold : iconology of the precious metal and its aesthetic metamorphosis in ancient, medieval and early modern worlds
2007 |
Sokolov, Michail Nikolaevič |
Ėvoljucija stilja v proizvedenijach prikladnogo iskusstva chudožestvennych masterskich Bauchauza : = Style evolution of the applied art works of the Bauhaus art workshops
2007 |
Koroleva, Anastasija Ju. |
"Šestvie svjatogo Rodžera" : londonskie vystavki postimpressionistov 1910 i 1912 godov = The procession of St Roger : the London exhibitions of Post-Impressionists of 1910 and 1912
2007 |
Igumnova, Elena V. |