Hans von Aachens Werke in Augsburger Sammlungen
2022 |
Bubryák, Orsolya |
Fünf Kopien nach Albrecht Dürer von Hans Georg Hering
2022 |
Srovnal, Filip |
Living curiosities : giants and dwarves at the court of Archduke Ferdinand II and in the princely Ambras collection
2022 |
Kuster, Thomas |
Gabriel Bucelin and the 1621 inventory of the Imperial Collection
2022 |
Ježková, Markéta |
Joseph Heintz the Elder, another Leda and the Swan
2022 |
Fučíková, Eliška |
Costantino de' Servi, architetto e informatore mediceo, alla corte di Rodolfo II : nuovi documenti circa le relazioni tra Praga e le corti principesche italiane
2022 |
Bardazzi, Simone |
Bibliographie der Publikationen von Joachim Jacoby
2020 |
Fusenig, Thomas |
Bartholomeus Spranger : "The Body of Christ Supported by Angels"
2020 |
Fučíková, Eliška |
The Singing Fountain at Prague Castle and its links to Nuremberg
2020 |
Dobalová, Sylva |
Die Beschreibung von Prag und Böhmen im Reisetagebuch von István Miskolci Csulyak
2020 |
Szabó, András |
"Look into our eyes!" : overlooked details and a newly identified portrait of Archduke Ferdinand II
2020 |
Kubíková, Blanka |
Anmerkungen zum Castrum doloris Rudolfs II. und Erzherzog Ferdinands II.
2020 |
Muchka, Ivan |
"Die Engelspieta" im Veitsdom zu Prag und Sprangers "Engelspieta" für Paul Sixt von Trautson
2020 |
Bartilla, Stefan |
Splendid gifts and a Florentine architect for Emperor Rudolf II : Antonio Lupicini at the Imperial Court in Prague (1578-1580)
2020 |
Concin, Adriana |
The amulet of Rudolf II : Kabbalistic talisman and pansophic collectible
2020 |
Gannon, Corinna |
Materielle, schriftliche und ikonografische Quellen der alchemischen Laboratorien Kaiser Rudolf II.
2020 |
Purš, Ivo |
Zur Deutung der Venus Verticordia des Nikolaus Pfaff im Kunsthistorischen Museum zu Wien
2019 |
Bartilla, Stefan |
The alchemical hand bell of Rudolf II : a touchstone of art and alchemy
2019 |
Gannon, Corinna |
Karel of Žerotín, a commander of noble Moravian descent, in the Heldenrüstkammer of Archduke Ferdinand II at Ambras Castle
2019 |
Kubíková, Blanka |
Ain Indianisch tuech, darauf Indianische heuser gemalt : revisiting the Chinese paintings in the Kunstkammer of Archduke Ferdinand II at Ambras Castle
2019 |
Pejčochová, Michaela |