The church at the Jerusalem Gate in crusader Ascalon : a rough tolerance of Byzantine culture?
2009 |
Peers, Glenn |
A Byzantine cloisonné triptych in the State Hermitage Museum : from the Monastery of Saydnaya to St Petersburg
2009 |
Pyatnitsky, Yuri |
Holy men in Ethiopia : the wall paintings in the church of Abunä Abreham Däbrä Seyon (Gär'alta, Tegray)
2009 |
Tribe, Tania Costa |
Elite civile et 'mécénat' : le rôle du commanditaire dans le développement des arts et des lettre en Epypte chez les coptes du Xe au XIVe siècle
2009 |
Jeudy, Adeline |
La transfiguration du Christ, une vision éminente : représenter Philippe à la place de Jacques à l'église Betä Maryam à Lalibäla en Ethiopie
2009 |
Semoglu, Athanasios |
A Syriac glorification of the Virgin : preliminary remarks on The Mother and Child Enthroned in London Add. 7170 and Vatican Syr. 559
2009 |
Smine, Rima E. |
The Proskynetarion from the Monastery of the Holy Cross and the map of the Holy Land
2009 |
Arad, Peninah |
Zu Decke und Dach der Theotokoskirche des Katharinenklosters im Sinai
2009 |
Großmann, Peter |
[Rezension von:] Eastmond, Antony: Art and identity in thirteenth-century Byzantium : Hagia Sophia and the empire of Trebizond. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004
2009 |
Immerzeel, Mat |
[Rezension von:] Kötzsche, Lieselotte; Flury-Lemberg, Mechthild; Schießl, Ulrich: Der bemalte Behang in der Abegg-Stiftung in Riggisberg : eine alttestamentliche Bildfolge des 4. Jahrhunderts. - Riggisberg : Abegg-Stiftung, 2004
2008 |
Loon, Gertrud J. M. van |
[Rezension von:] Schrenk, Sabine: Textilien des Mittelmeerraumes aus spätantiker bis frühislamischer Zeit. - Riggisberg, 2004
2008 |
Loon, Gertrud J. M. van |
Panels and rosettes : the metal doors in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and their source of inspiration
2008 |
Mols, Luitgard E. M. |
"New" discoveries at Dayr Qubbat al-Hawâ, Aswan : architecture, wall paintings and dates
2008 |
Dekker, Renate |
From Naqada to Esna : a late coptic inscription at Deir Mari Girgis (Naqada)
2008 |
Dekker, Renate |
A new approach to the problem of pattern books in Early Byzantine mosaics : the depiction of the giraffe in the Near East as a case study
2008 |
Zohar, Diklah |
A feast of the archangel Michael? : a new interpretation of a mural painting from Old Dongola
2008 |
Łaptaś, Magdalena |
The emperor Manuel Comnenus (1143 - 1180) : his patronage and image building in the latin states in outremer, and the mystery of the Friuli Bible
2008 |
Ciggaar, Krijnie N. |
Paradise lost, paradise regained : the meaning of Adam and Eve in the baptistery of Dura-Europos
2008 |
Dirven, Lucinda |
Playing with light and shadow : the stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and their historical context
2008 |
Immerzeel, Mat |
The monastery of Our Lady of Saydnaya and its Icon
2007 |
Immerzeel, Mat |