Pictorial descriptions of fictional worlds
2006 |
Roziḳ, Eliyahu |
A message carved in stone : the triforium sculpture of Nevers cathedral
2006 |
Bloch, Monica |
Le Jugement dernier de Notre-Dame d'Amiens à la lumière des Bibles moralisées
2006 |
Christe, Yves |
An icon of the Crucifixion and the Nativity at Sinai : investigating its visual language
2006 |
Folda, Jaroslav |
The femme fatale : Eve, Venus, Luxuria
2006 |
Pinson, Yona |
Génériques : entre ecphrasis et mise-en-abyme
2006 |
Friedman, Régine-Mihal |
Between painting and poetry, sacred and secular realms : a reading of the works of Yehuda Amichai and Michael Sgan-Cohen
2006 |
Gilʿat, Yaʿel |
Grottesche (grotesques) : visual images as spatial metaphors
2006 |
Schechter, Madeleine |
The ultimate other : Jews and the construction of images in later medieval art
2006 |
Schwartz, Ellen C. |
Line and space as a new artistic language in modern sculpture
2006 |
Markus, Ruth |
The transition from mimetic to non-mimetic music in the late sixteenth century
2006 |
Tanay, Dorit |
The noble and the savage : reflections on a mosaic pavement in the Umayyad Palace at Khirbat al-Mafjar
2006 |
Taragan, Hana |
New flowers in the art of the American "New woman"
2006 |
Tessler, Nira |
Choir stalls and their carvers
2006 |
Erez, Ariela |
Margin and metaphor
2006 |
Kessler, Herbert L. |
Pasty faces : Franz Wickhoff, Erwin Panofsky and John Sloan in American art
2006 |
Fillin-Yeh, Susan |
Les découvreurs de la colonne coudée
2006 |
Grabiner, Esther |
The German in the Parler art : narratives of Southwestern German Gothic sculpture
2006 |
Pinkus, Assaf |
Tracing shadows : reflections on the origin of painting
2006 |
Kenaan, Hagi |
Reconsidering the sculptural program of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard : the role and meaning of its bases and socles
2006 |
Fishhof, Gil |