Cicero "De natura deorum" : the first separate printing, Leipzig, N.D. (GW 6901)
1970 |
Hirsch, Rudolf |
Rastell reunited
1970 |
King, Alec Hyatt |
Haste makes waste : J. B. DuTertre's "Histoire générale", Paris, 1654
1970 |
Alden, John |
The text of the incunable IA. 46385 in the British Museum and notes on some related works
1970 |
Bühler, Curt F. |
The incunabula of Siena
1970 |
Rhodes, Dennis E. |
Elizabethan gold-tooled bindings
1970 |
Nixon, Howard M. |
Gutenbergs Typographie und die Teigdrucke des Monogrammisten d
1970 |
Wehmer, Carl |
Panizzi's acquisition of incunabula
1970 |
Oldman, C. B. |
The printing of portraits and privileges : the "Handvesten ende Privilegien" published by Johannes Tongerloo, The Hague, 1663, and related works
1970 |
Simoni, Anna E. C. |
Immanuel Gottlieb Moser (1790 - 1846) : ein vergessener Nachfolger Hains
1970 |
Amelung, Peter |
Some Spanish printed bifolia of the early sixteenth century : Francisco de Peñalver's "Carta de la Gota" and its antecedents
1970 |
Norton, F. J. |
Der Buchdrucker Wilhelm Antonius zu Hanau (1593 - 1611) als Vermittler englischen Schrifttums
1970 |
Benzing, Josef |
Antonio Tophio & Bartolomeo San Vito
1970 |
Fairbank, Alfred J. |
Leonhard Seybolds "Prognosticatio" für 1485, ein unbekannter Druck Michael Reysers
1970 |
Geldner, Ferdinand |
We became friends
1970 |
Kronenberg, Maria E. |
The first book printed at Louvain
1970 |
Stevenson, Allan H. |
Eine Klosterdruckerei in der Kölner Kartause
1970 |
Corsten, Severin |
Was lasen die Kölner um die Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jahrhundert zu ihrer Unterhaltung und Belehrung?
1970 |
Juchhoff, Rudolf |
Johann Hamman at Venice : a survey of his career ; with a note on the Sarum "Horae" of 1494
1970 |
Rogers, David |
Stampe quattrocentine di Stefano Guillireto
1970 |
Donati, Lamberto |