[Rezension von:] Tributes in honor of James H. Marrow : studies in painting and manuscript illumination of the late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance. - London : Miller, 2006
2008 |
Watson, Rowan |
A window on two duchesses of Burgundy
2006 |
Buren, Anne van |
Two notes on Mercatel's earliest astrological manuscripts
2006 |
Derolez, Albert |
Christ's five wounds in the Aves of the Vita Christi in a book of hours about 1300
2006 |
Bennett, Adelaide |
"Made in Flanders" and the Master of the Ghent privileges : a second coda
2006 |
Clark, Gregory |
The afterlife of Saint Jerome : Giovanni Bilivert's portrait of Neri Corsini
2006 |
Evans, Mark |
Histoire mythique et archéologie au quinzième siècle : une représentation inédite de Stonehenge
2006 |
Heck, Christian |
Pilate's wife
2006 |
Mellinkoff, Ruth |
Un nouveau manuscrit de Jean Bourdichon : les Heures de Charles de Martigny, évêque d'Elne
2006 |
Avril, François |
"Ende ziet alomme int paradijs" : Seth's vision of paradise as part of an unusual decoration programm in a fifteenth-century book of hours from Utrecht
2006 |
Broekhuijsen, Klara H. |
On compositional "errata" in Pieter Aerten's peasant scenes
2006 |
Falkenburg, Reindert Leonard |
Albrecht Dürer, cardinal Matthäus Lang, and the Throne of Invention
2006 |
Smith, Jeffrey Chipps |
Dates in the Giant Bible of Mainz
2006 |
De Hamel, Christopher |
Happy End für einen Löwen
2006 |
Brinkmann, Bodo |
The allegorical menorah
2006 |
Cahn, Walter |
Good dog : model canines in Renaissance manuscripts
2006 |
Belozerskaya, Marina |
D'Italie du nord en Artois, le portrait de saint Bernardin de Sienne des Heures d'Antoine de Crèvecoeur, vers 1450 - 55 : Leeds, University Library, The Brotherton Collection, ms. 4
2006 |
Gil, Marc |
Simon Bening, Juan Luis Vives, and the observation of nature
2006 |
Kren, Thomas |
Sixteenth-century pictorial and dramatic religious cycles in the French Alps : time for the Renaissance yet?
2006 |
Plesch, Véronique |
Anmerkungen zu Jan Gossaert
2006 |
Sander, Jochen |