[Rezension von:] Tributes in honor of James H. Marrow : studies in painting and manuscript illumination of the late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance. - London : Miller, 2006
2008 |
Watson, Rowan |
Happy End für einen Löwen
2006 |
Brinkmann, Bodo |
The allegorical menorah
2006 |
Cahn, Walter |
Good dog : model canines in Renaissance manuscripts
2006 |
Belozerskaya, Marina |
D'Italie du nord en Artois, le portrait de saint Bernardin de Sienne des Heures d'Antoine de Crèvecoeur, vers 1450 - 55 : Leeds, University Library, The Brotherton Collection, ms. 4
2006 |
Gil, Marc |
Simon Bening, Juan Luis Vives, and the observation of nature
2006 |
Kren, Thomas |
Sixteenth-century pictorial and dramatic religious cycles in the French Alps : time for the Renaissance yet?
2006 |
Plesch, Véronique |
Anmerkungen zu Jan Gossaert
2006 |
Sander, Jochen |
The Master of the Tiburtine Sibyl's Raising of Lazarus (Mexico City, San Carlos Museum) and the early Haarlem School of Painting reconsidered
2006 |
Scillia, Diane G. |
Framing the issues : a codicological approach to Dutch border decoration
2006 |
Korteweg, Anne S. |
To have and to hold : the bridal Hours of Isabelle de Coucy
2006 |
Randall, Lilian M. C. |
"Pox vobiscum" : early modern German art and Syphilis
2006 |
Silver, Larry |
Robert Campin et l'enluminure : trois miniatures attribuables à l'entourage direct du peintre tournaisien
2006 |
Vanwijnsberghe, Dominique |
"A bundle of myrrh" : Passion meditation in French vernacular poems and images in some Liège psalters
2006 |
Oliver, Judith H. |
The Man of Sorrows and Mel Gibson
2006 |
Cashion, Debra Taylor |
Bibliography of James H. Marrow
2006 |
William de Brailes in Baltimore, Paris, and Stockholm
2006 |
Noel, William |
Penitence and pentimenti : Hieronymus Bosch's Mocking of Christ in London
2006 |
Parshall, Peter W. |
"Circumdederunt me amici multi" : a tribute to James Marrow from his friends
2006 |
Hamburger, Jeffrey F. |
A shepherdess on a swing in a Netherlandish book of hours
2006 |
Alexander, J. J. G. |