Raphael's portrait of Valerio Belli : some new evidence
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Clerics and contracts : Fra Angelico, Neroccio, Ghirlandaio and others ; legal procedures and the Renaissance high altarpiece in Central Italy
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
From polyptych to pala : some structural considerations
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Raffaels römische Altarbilder : Aufstellung und Bestimmung
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Fra Angelico's Bishop Saints from the high altar of S. Domenico, Fiesole
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Perugino's Cassinese Ascension for San Pietro at Perugia : the artistic and musical setting of a high altarpiece in its "Cassa"
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
The buttressed altarpiece : a forgotten aspect of Tuscan fourteenth-century altarpiece design
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
El Greco's view of Mount Sinai as independent landscape
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Sebastiano del Piombo, Raphael and Narbonne : new evidence
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Masaccio and the Pisa altarpiece : a new approach
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
La collocazione originale e la struttura del polittico : Piero della Francesca ; il polittico di Sant'Antonio
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
The contract for Perugino's "Assumption of the Virgin" at Vallombrosa
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Light on the cross : Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza and Antoniazzo Romano in Sta. Croce in Gerusalemme, Rome
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Lorenzo Monaco, Filippo Lippi und Filippo Brunelleschi : die Erfindung der Renaissancepala
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Ikonographie und Archäologie : das Pfingsttriptychon in der Florentiner Akademie an seinem ursprünglichen Aufstellungsort
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
An early description of Sebastiano's Raising of Lazarus at Narbonne
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |
Niccolò di Segna, Sassetta, Piero della Francesca and Perugino : cult and continuity at Sansepolcro
2005 |
Gardner von Teuffel, Christa |