Iconologie et ecclésiologie médiévales : une question d'histoire de l'art
2008 |
Russo, Daniel |
[Rezension von:] The mind's eye : art and theological argument in the Middle Ages. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2006
2007 |
Münch, Birgit Ulrike |
Anthropology and the use of religious images in the Opus Caroli Regis (Libri Carolini)
2006 |
Morrison, Karl F. |
Typology and its uses in the moralized Bible
2006 |
Hughes, Christopher |
Porous subject matter and Christ's haunted infancy
2006 |
Acres, Alfred |
Raban Maur, Bernard de Clairvaux, Bonaventure : expression de l'espace et topographie spirituelle dans les images médiévales
2006 |
Heck, Christian |
The place of theology in medieval art history : problems, positions, possibilities
2006 |
Hamburger, Jeffrey F. |
Moving images in the mind's eye
2006 |
Carruthers, Mary J. |
Vox imaginis : anomaly and enigma in Romanesque art
2006 |
Bouché, Anne-Marie |
Is there a theology of the Gothic cathedral? : a re-reading of Abbot Suger's writings on the abbey church of St.-Denis
2006 |
Speer, Andreas |
Theologians as Trinitarian iconographes
2006 |
McGinn, Bernard |
"As far as the eye can see ..." : rituals of gazing in the late middle ages
2006 |
Lentes, Thomas |
Seeing as action and passion in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
2006 |
Tachau, Katherine H. |
L' Exception corporelle : à propos de l'Assomption de Marie
2006 |
Schmitt, Jean-Claude |
Turning a blind eye : medieval art and the dynamics of contemplation
2006 |
Kessler, Herbert L. |
The medieval work of art : wherein the "work"? ; wherein the "art"?
2006 |
Hamburger, Jeffrey F. |
Replica : images of identity and the identity of images in prescholastic France
2006 |
Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte |
Love's arrows : Christ as Cupid in late medieval art and devotion
2006 |
Newman, Barbara |
Seeing and seeing beyond : the Mass of St. Gregory in the fifteenth century
2006 |
Bynum, Caroline Walker |
Christ and the vision of God : the biblical diagrams of the Codex Amiatinus
2006 |
Chazelle, Celia |