The roots of Capetian royalty and the Saint-Vaast Bible
2005 |
Reilly, Diane J. |
Maimonides' illustration of the Temple in Jerusalem as a model for later copies
2005 |
Goldman, Esther W. |
Zum adaptierten Stifterbild in der spätmittelalterlichen Buchmalerei
2005 |
Bräm, Andreas |
Tradition and innovation in the cycles of miniatures accompanying the Hours of the Virgin in early fifteenth-century English books of hours
2005 |
Orr, Michael T. |
Iconographic cycles in Légendes dorées (fourteenth-fifteenth century) : constants and variables ; a case study ; Arundel (West Sussex), collection of the Duke of Norfolk
2005 |
Smeyers, Katharina |
Le manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ms. fr. 12601 est-il sorti de l'atelier du Maître de Wavrin?
2005 |
Lemaire, Jacques |
Transgressing the borders : the fortunes of Flemish book illumination in Southern Germany after 1500
2005 |
Grebe, Anja |
Un exemple de réemploi stylistique et pictural emprunté au "Maître de Wavrin" : le Petit Jehan de Saintré
2005 |
Johan, Frédérique |
From word to image : the illustration of 'religious' manuscripts throughout the middle ages
2005 |
Dekeyzer, Brigitte |
A scribe's confession and the making of the Anchin Hrabanus (Douai, Bibliothèque Municipale, ms. 340)
2005 |
Gameson, Richard |
La vision de l'antiquité de Jacques Coene
2005 |
Châtelet, Albert |
...Pour avoir nettoyé et relyé ij grans livres appartenant à Monseigneur ... : documentation concerning the fifteenth-century care of manuscripts in the Burgundian Library
2005 |
Watteeuw, Lieve |
The production of Flemish books of hours for the English market : standardization and workshop practices
2005 |
Bergen, Wilhelmina van |
Interpénétration des manuscrits et des incunables : l' exemple de Lyon et du Chantilly, Musée Condé, ms. 833-834
2005 |
Dubois, Anne |
The game of the month : playful calendars in Ghent-Bruges books of hours
2005 |
Willemsen, Annemarieke |
Recycling the Huth Hours : the Master of the David Scenes and the making of the Brukenthal Breviary, or: the Ghent Associates and the contribution of Simon Marmion to Ghent-Bruges manuscript painting
2005 |
As-Vijvers, Anne Margreet W. |
Devotional literacy of a noblewoman in a Book of Hours of ca. 1300 in Cambrai
2005 |
Bennett, Adelaide |
Quelques manuscrits de Bethléem (Herent)
2005 |
Hamblenne, Pierre |
Zur gotischen Buchmalerei in Köln vor Johannes von Valkenburg
2005 |
Gummlich-Wagner, Johanna Christine |
Transformation, interaction and integration : the career and collaboration of a fourteenth century Flemish illuminator
2005 |
Dennison, Lynda |